Friday, December 16, 2011


Falling out of a tree while falling in Love, really... how does that work you ask? well it ends with being in a lot of pain in denver, my home town where I have the strange brew of reflecting on not just what i came from in SF and the cultural signifigance of being in an altered state of reference after all SF is really the choir. But to go into the Lions Den, where everything is rather postcard, where people are happy, well contented.... this seems to be referring back to the deepest struggle that cultural rehab is. Comfort. At the Tree there was very little comfort, the food was good nutrious but the feeling was about healing the utter lack of joy, passion and sensuality seemed foreign to me, why would God be so serious? If all is god than I am going to unfold in gratitude and make it a sexy beat or penetrating tune. My time there was ultimately the unraveling of the external desires to discover that all I really wanted was to be loved to find sacred sharing relationships and to be able to find strength in my daily practice of honoring my needs without squashing my desires and learning how to evaluate my desires based on real or illusional that were created and obligatory from outsiders wishing to control their own lives a little more. Did I walk away in complete surrender to love, much like in most meditation there were moments of yes I am bliss and I am learning how to have faith in something that is the epic beyond my complete control and it turns out it is an US. Yes I can get through anything, yes I believe in me, but know with love the next level is I believe in WE. So Yeah I have a great story to tell that I fell out of the tree, er hot tub but I wish it had just been the very classic story of I fell in love, which I did. And now I sit waiting to repair a new streach of crystalestate so that I might be able to take my skills and joy and sensuality and networking and all the groundwork and dreams and abundance and start to really put it all together.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Giving thanks, and the 5th round activating your vibrational context

Wowsers or more fully and completely, The wow of now. which may be the working title of the next show as I feel that I am not recovered from rehab but I am in fact now aware of my addictions only to learn that the context of hummanity in relations to "American" might know it. So I have been at the Tree and here we are removed from television and "culture" we talk about health and spirit and creating higher vibration and maybe some of us get there maybe I am getting there with my yoga and my daily trips up the messa trail and my tea and green juice and showing up for temple and services and being at the cafe and not watching TV and not wearing as much make up and doing more sweats not needing money and really only having the agenda of eating well and listening to my body. These are luxurious things that most people would not spend an hour on each day let alone let it fill up there days for 6months. However, the nature of being able to look at your deeper emotional stuff and looking at your ego, how interpersonal relationships flare or spark what is the proper way to give and recieve your gift of service and the contribution that you have to a collective to a leader or a visionary, leads you to ask yourslef what is your source code. if you can show up for the labarinth do you have the faith to trust that you will find exactly what you came to find what if it is exactly as magical as it could be. Here I am starting to feeling like I have a footing and now I find that it is time for me to move forward and prove to myself that not only am I able to learn new tricks but that I can use them when not in a state of solation because anyone can be perfect if you live sheltered but can you stuill find time to make smoothies and have the same emphasis on nutrition and physical endurance if you have friends and obligations of earning money and finding love and success. What if these things are no longer in conflict as they do not feel that way any more. what if your fear has melted away in a blissgasm of heat in the inipi or in the awkward exchange of finally admitting that being cool is not so helpful when you are cool alone with your pride than vulnerable and feeling cherished with friends or would be compaions.

SO this is a lot of process and I'm just going to start owning that I can not edit my head for right now because sensoring myself is not the act of practicing worthiness of actually being safe. whoa. OK so it begins the rest and best of the polishing up of crystal

Thursday, October 27, 2011

A light festival and the inner spark. (When to whirl your diverish)

Last night I was in a glorious little haven called Govinda's, it had a coi pond and was a krishna temple and they celebrated and danced and had marvelous food, some of which was totally not good for me and I was reminded why I am here to begin with. My journey in life has been to find the balance of extremes and I struggle regularly from having a very indulgent and wacky childhood, and yet it being very spiritual and now I find myself in a spiritual situations and feeling like I have come to a place of peace in my self but does that mean that I belong in community or that I am more comfortable as a beacon? I have lived as a monk for over 4 months now, and I find that as I am motivated to continue with my healing of all my wounds and share in the process with those of a similar path I am also amazed at how lack of consideration for the ordinary becomes so blaring in my ear. Today was another day after the Festival of light. The candles are blown out and the floor is swept and all things return but there was a moment where there was the blessing and we all held space for grace. And the divine maybe reaches out and touches you. Beyond your own frustrations and your falls there is just you and your daily practice...... do you eat well, do you take your body on a strea

ch, do you whistle while you work, do you smile like you mean it? Sure I sparkled at the festival of lights but I think that was the spark from with in and that is the eternal flame.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ahoy Hoy where does the time go in a tiny town with nothing to do?

Seriously is it the end of October? Well I have celebrated my 4th month at the Tree here in Patagonia and it comes with more questions and even deeper resolutions. The power of companionship has been a big theme in my second round here, not only have I switched room but I have made a quality friend that is beyond my usual range and we are roomie and it is great to have some confidant and a golden girl that shares a similar view, about taking things in the more 80/20 direction, it make me nervous to accept something completely and not see it's faults and all. And I am starting to get more entwinded with what I want to do here and also I am feeling freerer to go and do what I am meant to. Of course the question is since I am getting better, and well there is a station here well then why do I want to leave. Companionship the same thing that links us all back to life ever unfolding is not what we would fight for but what we would live for which is love. I find that my creative expression gets focused on the wooing and my powers of making stuff go into making woo scenarios rather than developing battle anthems, it has never been truer than to simply say are you a lover or a fighter? Can you be both? I am finally going to make it on KPUP radio which is all I ever wanted to do since I first laid eyes on this little southern exposure town. I will post it as soon as I get my hot little hands on it. What else I love a great despacho ceremony and i finally did an enipi- native american sweat lodge. I've been feelin my roots more and not freaking out by the nature that I am a part of not inspite of. Can you Imagine.... Me? Well anyway I'm making progress on my health and every day I look for more challenge. Today I took the Mesa Trail. Next week who knows but I just keep at it and need to remember that even when I think that there is no more that there is something beyond, and that is the fabric of truth and worthiness when you are ready you do what is needed to be done and then you have what you need for the task at hand. Miracles are all around us as we are more and more open to the portal of Universal Expansion. So dream, dream big and be really honest doing it. You haven't the time to waste and why would you. you are your own obligations and rules and experiences. Whether you create conflict or have to much on your plate in order to feel more important you create the life you lead and I hope for everyone that they stop living out of their head and start living in their heart. I mean me of course but this seems to be a big "overcome" So here I go letting go again. deep breathe inhale exhale repeat.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Remembering - what is what 9/11/11

As this weekend Laboured on with a reflection on the wound of our collective conscious that was 9/11 - how it has changed the very nature of our interactions and global community and my own personal journey to and away from my place in New York, It was also Grandparents Day! And it was then that I reflected on the importance of our ancestral and our family experience rather than the lies and the haves and have nots. This weekend I was taking a drive through the country and surrounded by some lovely people all trying to heal and to activated to a higher level of living in a dessert oasis that has some extrasensory en-lightning. I have been working on heavy dream work and meditation and as I was bouncing into town I took notice of my trip to Wall mart and how this is the norm as opposed to the small independent organic grocer of Red Mountain, I ponder what kinds of jobs and lives do we as a civilization are creating for the "Wall Mart Crowd" Ten years ago I was just starting to get my sea legs back from my 1st Burningman, I was 21 and I wanted to be a voice for my generation, but in the activation of a hate cycle I could not bear to speak with the poison that drowning my country - all that could have been must now released and forgiven it is time to let the poison go. And just be with joy with laughter and with the freedom to not be miserable in the choices you and I have all made to negotiate a stranger and smoky time. Find your fire within.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday Night Check in- It's good to be back.

Wowsa ok, well I have missed the reflection and coming back to sharing and feeling my sense of purpose. As promised with a raw diet and exercising, I have lost over 30lbs in the almost 3 months that I have been here. I am in a seva or service position and have nuzzled my way into finding a balance with yoga zumba, qi gong, and my duties in the normal 9-5 where I have a cubicle and office mates. I live in a dorm and have had a merry- go round of roommates that are here from all over for various reasons most of them health related it seems, that they too got sick of it all and needed a break, I'm not so much seeking spiritual counselling or just plain old fashioned physical healing but there are definitely links that are sneaking into my psyche as I am building reserves and mantras to get out of bed and "just get to yoga" my tried and true are It takes courage to come to the mat every day, honor the teacher in you, I won't remeber the class but my ass will. and so on. I am not surprised that there is always drama in a small commnity but really it is where ever you go, but everyone here is punching thru and finding their way, the guests are fasting and finding themselves and I feel like I'm on a cruise ship where I get to see behind the scenes, does this make me more cynical that everyone is human and working it out... even when you eat nothing but orgainc and phase 1 and practice intention. But I do love the walk, the quiet, and though I can not make it to everything I am liking that I am just here on a road that will lead me to where I want to go because every day I am sculpting my life

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Greetings from the Desert!

Wowsa what a month, a move, TEDxSF, couch surfing, and now finding some recharge in the AZ desert. So in letting go and embracing that my health needed imediate attention I packed up and found my way down here. I think that I'm looking for the badge of courage patch tattoo to earn while down here. The experience of silence is profound and sunset and sunrise meditation is amazing and the raw food. I'm enjoying wearing white, I do loathe this awkward sense of pudgy tourist at a raw spa, but I'm making it work. The big lesson here is that I have to just be myself and werk it out whereever I am because that's the only place to be. Day 3 I could stand a piece of bread and some lentill soup. But overall I'm not missing the usual. And what of my media, mogul intentions with the radio, well they are on hold for the minute I will get all my old show archived in the next couple of days and see what is a good fit for me in the meantime I'm taking a holiday but I will still come here to share my thoughts and process, I guess because some one might need to know how to cross the bridge of insanity to vitality? Sure.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The week that was - bowing out and other inspires for Community

So I had a missed connections with the sustainable road show, I guess they where pre-occupied with Lightning in a bottle? eh..... This week I announced that I aM TAKING A SABATACIAL to Tree if life and so the closing time of SF as being strange someone, I feel like cities and people can sense my release of netwerking here but my heart is very excited to be open to a feeling of caring for my self before I can step up and do all the things I really want and need to do. I had a closing circle with WAM last night and was reminded of how nice it was to create a collective of my own and how important it is to intentionalize your community. So as I prepare for the road myself I honor all the wonderous moments of sharing creative space and time and how much richer that has made me in heart and life and product. I also found that one of my friends from Denver is working on a SF collective and here is an interview with him. Check it out on being a magical faggot.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sustainable Roadshow is making a stop at Cultural Rehab today at 4!

Today on the Show we will have Jonathon from The Sustainable Road show talking about being a social movement on the move and building a homebase in Oaktown.
Plus a little May Outro Soundtrack for all the loving MAy and the Crazy that is so catching........

The Calming buzz of eventual always - rapture HAHAHAHAHAHA?

Among my intense dreams of the last year that has been very communicative with galacticness and aligniment stuff and dealing with my hometown hero complex and my course changing decision to head to the dessert to once and for all get out the nasty old habits and find some space and time to heal the wounds of my body mind spirit, I am taking things so perfectly slowly and even among the tragedy of epic storm stomping through our bible belt.... and the utter chaos of this GOP making the last desperate grabs at power money something it is clear that there is the new skin underneath and so as we say good bye to the comfort of Oprah's guidance, the message is clear that we have our own heart to shine the light of right and wrong for ourselves and to let the expectations of intended future worry us into frozen. It just is not so anymore. I have been taking the time to read about the 5 languages of Love and catching up on Ally Mcbeal which is a late 90s legal show that embraced it's quirck and I have to say I feel like I am finally taking the time to understand what is love and relationships, apparantly in my 20s I thought I knew eveything I needed to know and on some levels I did for me but with out any regard for what that meant for understanding what that meant for anyone that wanted to be in my life. So my point of this week, and with the whole rapture pressure off and that this is the end of one world to the next one, I have to respect the process and not make the assumptions but be present for what I can and be even more honest about what I can't do. But leave some room to dream because that is the map.

Egyptian Pyramids Found By Infrared Satellite Images

Egyptian Pyramids Found By Infrared Satellite Images

Thursday, May 19, 2011

2020 vision: Eat a printed dinner in your printed home - tech - 19 May 2011 - New Scientist

2020 vision: Eat a printed dinner in your printed home - tech - 19 May 2011 - New ScientistJust sayin this looks to be pretty fun and exciting.....

Back to new Social Systems starting with planking

When I saw this I was deeply amused,
it's like reverse engineering zen meditation.

So I have been needing a lot of love and light for my body and mind this spring and this TED talk blew my mind LIterally! Also because it made my look into Ray Kurtzweil all the more amazeballs.... singularity whaaaaa? enjoy......

I always feel like I'm cheating because everything on TED is so amazing which is why I have to give a shout out that I will be fulfilling a dream and live blogging TED SF on June 4 it should be a stunning event and more detalis to come. Lets hope I get to talk bout it here!

So big plans for the summer you bethcha I am going on a Health and Spiritual Sabatacal, which should make these posts even more cultural rehab esque? Dear readers I have longed for many years to truly install some of the obvious ways of living that I am fighting for on the show and so I am off to AZ and the Tree of Life Rejuvination Spa Retreat to go raw vegan do some Yoga meditate and all the other thinks and bees that go with quiet dessert living. I have just started a chinese herb tonic which tastes like how it looks care of my friendcs at Wood Tiger in the castro, but I feel stronger, and well I thought after having a series of really stressful years and my body just feeling and looking what is unvibrant
I checked out this amazing tea Documentary All in this Tea, as well more on that in my docs section. I am going the distance and hope you will enjoy following me on the adventure. So what am I doing for rapture you ask? playing and teaching art to kids in Jellyfish gallery and dancing at Kylies Aphrodities spectacular! I'm definately feeling the love..... So lets get a little lighter and brighter and here are my weeks inspirations. Join Us today as we talk with Mira Luna about Time Banks here in SF  and author of Sacred Economics Charles Eisenstein whose titles also include The Yoga of Eating and the Asccent of Humanity so today is a real treat!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

May 5 Independence from what?

So American's celebrate the spanish beating the French on behalf of the mexican's, oh it's about drinking beer and tequilla, ok well what ever. So this weeks Show is a dousey, we have Morgan Fitzgibbons the head of the Wigg Party on the show and he will be talking how to get a local grassroots movement together making your hood a better place. And Jonathon Talat Philips the co-founder of Reality Sandwich and Evolver movement. It gonna be a great show and you can get the link to hear all about here

The week of Relief and correction

This week was kicked off by a cool and confident Obama snagging a hat trick with releasing a much questioned certification roasting the press and his peanut gallery and ending the nations longsuffering boogyman scare. Granted the nations rejoice for an execution of our enemy, still is not a sit well, but there was relief in this country and now we have no reason to be at war or away from home or on the spending spree for war that has led to our massive debts and drained resources. We had biblical storms, and an epic video about Judas, and a dance video form beyonce which was clearly intended for a nation of exercise starved children.
I personally went to a party with the Zeitgeisters and faced 3 of my main phobias including spiders, snakes, and ladders, AWESOME! I also had a goddess brownie and had a whole bunch of innervisions that led me to shake some of the dust from my head, imagine me to realize this was about the time that at a grander scale someone else was getting some puttinto his.

Spring is about feeling new again and all week I have been excited to feel the show come together, however my anxiety for what my life is outside of the show is still a big fat question mark, but clearly this is a part of my experience, I started acupuncture treatments (Wood Tiger in the castro is amazing) and have really felt more hope and more focus on what I can do to put me to a state of optimum and just how far I am from that. If we all know that diet and exercise work than why is it so hard to green light it? If we know that the republicans are doing bad things than why are we letting ourselves be screwed it is only us that suffers? At wood tiger they reminded me of the difference between relief and corrective care.  I fell and took a bath I sat there and felt relief after 10 mins, and my antsy self said ok onto the next thing, but then I stopped and I said no I want to correct which means not just fix the symptoms but really treat the problems, so I sat and began to feel better stronger and this has led me back to a very zen place in my life which is breathing it out and time. Relief is easy and this is what most people seek, and often what we are used too as Americans, our entertainment and technology, our very fabric as a culture is based on this relief system which is only about 30% towards thriving, but now my eyes are squinting to see the corrective care where I can see a place of health and vitality.
With that being said welcome May with a month of Social movements, I want some corrective care.

Friday, April 29, 2011

the art of feeling it. Dealing with disappointments

Expectations are a given. This morning I woke to join the rest of the world in celebration of a much anticipated union, the dress was lovely and a great choice and when I heard the vows, I was spooked what was all this talk of fear of God? I guess this is the burden of Royalty that they are so weighted with luxury that there is no room for actual splendor? I  am relieved that my vision of a fairytale is now very much different than the british version, I would want the love of God to be my unifier and a kiss that would be deep and lasting to nourish our souls, if that is tradition than yes I'm new school  and not looking back.

The love of my show, well good bad or well what have you I like getting in a studio and talking listening and playing some great music, this week there has been the last minute universal, on the way to studio was an email blast saying the net was down and all shows are canceled for the day,,,, wha wha wha and oddly enough I was really looking forward to having the show all to myself again, as my guests fell through, relieved actually, as I felt they weren't a fit for what I'm trying to do here anyway and after all this is where we are coming clean so eff it. I'm going to reconstruct some of the things I would have had on a regular show and my recap I did on the various festivals for the newsmagazine at KCSF and well this is what I love to do so I'm a going to do it. As Sammy would say I gotta be me.

And in that spirit, I have been grapling with being single, which is usually not an issue, but I am strangely becoming aware of my feelings and needs and I met someone that made me very at ease and open to yonder ahead, I am reminded of the agony of self reflection and the nature of me as a desireable canidate as I push through my days and nights of should I what are the rules of our game, and that this gets reflectedw as I search emplyment that also is equally appreciative of me and can challenge and delight me and bring out my very best. It is so hard to know how much you have to offer and it sitting on a shelf waiting to have an occasion like the perfect dress, where do I wear it? My mantra is always have it and the occasion will come, perhaps my skills for the amazing job and the charm for the awesomeest guy will also automacigly harmonize together as well.  You can't hurry love, a great record, and the perfect job. SO chin up because today one girl got her wish to come true she got her prince, and maybe it was exactly what she wanted, but we know that not everything turns out perfect but just hold steady to what you really want and believe in and it will all work out.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Great Show Going Green with a splash of Blushing

Cultural rehab was a raw sandwhich this week between 4/20 and Earth Day! We started out our 1st hour with Green Entrepeneur Taja Di Leonardi owner of Ecohome Improvement in Berkley and She talks about starting a green buissness, be it brick and mortar or online and the challenges and rewards of following your instincts and developing the dream. Then we had an inpormptu chat with Monika of Sexploration with Monika whixch is where the blushing comes in. I have to say that it was a moment of greatness just because it was what i needed, not just for the show but to also just casual chat about what was in my head and heart, I am growing to really love my radio show as an extension of my life. Is this what they mean when they say I love my life and fully get the sense of gratitude as everything falls into place as you need, so just shut up and Trust? Guess so. So my other guest was late but hey he is from Deep Green and well, that is a marijuana hemp music expo so I guess his concept of time is different than most. It all worked out. I had a great time and the show was informative, funny and just as it should be. Deep Green was pretty and had lots of interesting mix of hip hop, hippies, feather leather, and organic wellness. I'd say the shift is off to a good start. You can find it all on the podcast

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A funny thing happened on my way to wherever....

As always Ted blows my mind. Could we finally find the tool to unlock our great future? Is it being wrong? This is the compassion key.

Gleeking out this weekend and getting Green

Ok after a hiatus of mass consumption of netwerking at
Web 2.0 Kevin Kelly from Wired gave an insightful Key note talking about the importance of streaming and curation if soon we could fit ever song that has ever been made on 1 hard drive and we all have access to it well then, how do we find what we want, digging through the crates is actually filtering the stream, and that's when we pay for it because I want the best and I want it now, like Buff exchange..... Data 2.0 If the best and the brightest minds sat in a room on Saturday and said we are going to organize all of the world's information to be simple and effective for solving the problems of modern excess how long would it take to get those systems implemented? We will soon find out. Greenfest is an emerging community and lifestyle but how do you straddle both sides by charging premeium price for some nothing at all for others it is still a strange bubble that reflects the complexity of SF itself,making money by teaching how to not care so much about it? It still is delicious and I always find new and amazing Mama Chia, orgainc finger puppets, how to make elixers, delicous vegan burger, running into friends and meeting up with leaders of the green community awesome.... and NAB show... finally I saw and met those decision makers and they all talked about developing content that is appropriate and complex and thoughtful, it was inspiring and getting to rub elbows with the creators was an important reminder of how much I have to believe in the work that I am doing, here and wherever I go what ever I do, heart on my sleeve passion in my voice and a drink raised to say I believe that this is the change despite what I see and where I go I will find it.

and coming home to needing a massive dose of Glee (an amazing show that reinforced all of my cultural curiosities and reminded me of the struggles with identy and pleaseing a crowd, finding the courage to be yourself, sticking with the dream repecting your friends and lovers, the sacrifices and consequences of your decisions it was an adreniline boost, even if it was the secondary choice to skipping in the park or lunch with my latest enigma.....
it is now time to Get Green for April! (Well let's talk about what is that process, nutrition lifestyle, making money and giving love to a gentle and frustrated earth ship so FOR EARTH DAY DO SOMETHING VERY DIRTY - GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LIFE AND COMMUNITY AND BEYOND.

On a sad note RIP GURU from GangStarr above the clouds was an anthem for me and I must must must say thanks for making me feel invincibale when I heard it. GURU thanks for sharing.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Indie Media month Amazing Show

Listen Here
To close out the month of March we are happy to announce that we he have a double header: The director of a Transcendent Man, Robert Barry Ptolemy This is his 1st Feature and will be a very interesting conversation about the process of making this film.

The compelling feature-length documentary film, by director Barry Ptolemy, chronicles the life and controversial ideas of luminary Ray Kurzweil. For more than three decades, inventor, futures, and New York Times best-selling author Ray Kurzweil has been one of the most respected and provocative advocates of the role of technology in our future.

In Transcendent Man, Ptolemy follows Kurzweil around the globe as he presents the daring arguments from his best-selling book, The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology. Kurzweil predicts that with the ever-accelerating rate of technological change, humanity is fast approaching an era in which our intelligence will become increasingly non-biological and millions of times more powerful. This film will be screened at The Palace of Fine Arts on April 14th
Transcendent Man: The Life and Ideas of Ray Kurzweil
Producer: Another Planet Entertainment, LLC
Film presentation with Q & A afterwards.
Tickets $45 - available at Ticketmaster by calling 800-745-3000 or online at
- for more Information on this event call 415-392-4400

And If that isn't enough we are going to have a panel from the Local Cinema Speakeasy Girls that are producing a fun night where they are playing independent shorts and features and hosting an all around great party adding in such cool extras as drunken mix- tape

Cinema Speakeasy:San Francisco:

Cinema Speakeasy was created by Georgi Goldman and Saskia Wilson-Brown, former colleagues of ours and each other's at Current TV. They had both re-located from SF to LA and were looking for a way to celebrate independent films and their makers with like-minded people, building a community of artists, appreciaters, and imbibers. And thus, Cinema Speakeasy was born.

After a year of steadily building success, we (Allison Davis, Fhay Arceo, and Kate Sullivan Green) were inspired by our friends and created the San Francisco chapter of Cinema Speakeasy in October, 2010. While the mission remained the same, the format was tweaked a bit to cater to San Francisco audiences. CS:SF wanted to ensure that each monthly screening was more than folks gathered in a dark room watching the same movie, but was sincerely a social event. To ensure this, we insist that every single show comes with an interactive element, as well as a raffle with cool prizes from local retailers to reward our audience with.

Past nights include:

-Wah Do Dem, directed by Ben Chace: An indie comedy, that flew under the radar, Wah Do Dem tells the story of a Brooklyn hipster stranded solo in Jamaica with no passport, no girlfriend, and no shoes. But hey, at least it’s sunny and warm out! You could just replace “Brooklyn” with “San Francisco” and it’s like you’re right there, mon!

-Cinema Speakeasy's Drunken Mixtape: A curated evening of comedic shorts pulled from the year's festivals and friends. Patrons were encouraged to bring a mixtape which they dropped off upon entry; upon exit they were able to pick out a random mixtape made by another CS attendee. $1 raffle prizes from H&M, Brew Holster Cult, and Good Vibrations

-Warrior's Drink-a-long: It’s kind of like a sing-a-long, but with beer. Just like your favorite drinking games of yester-year, upon the agreed upon cues (such as every time the classic line, 'Can you dig it?' is uttered) everyone drinks! It’s a fun way to party with the CS:SF crew and watch your favorite cult classic, all in one! Folks were treated to custom buttons, pre-movie trivia, and raffle prizes courtesy of Beautiful/Decay, Funky Door Yoga, and a free massage.

Our next show, is May 5, and features the documentary D-TOUR. D-Tour, directed by Jim Granato, is an award-winning feature-length documentary that chronicles Pat Spurgeon’s search for a living organ donor and the challenges associated with finding a viable match. The filmmaker and movie's subject will be in attendance for a Q&A, as well as a mini-donor drive with the CA Transplant Donor Network.

Cinema Speakeasy:San Francisco is growing in size and scope, and in the near future will be partnering with upcoming awesome organizations such as Wholphin, Friends with Benefits, and Z-Space. We look forward to adding more flavor to the first Thursdays in San Francisco. Please find us at!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

God Has a Wife? Duh.

Attention it has escaped the western civilaizations notice that God in Fact has a wife Asherah, whom the Book of Kings suggests was worshiped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel. I find this telling and reassuring that it explains once again how deeply imbalanced the role of female is in our society which as there is no role for the creator to have another half, but that the ultimate would be old and alone seems rather odd....
For Your Consideration God and Goddess :

RIP Jose Arguelles author of the Mayan FACTOR

Yesterday to Icon and Star seeds passed on one was a goddess that was a noble beauty and fearless lightworker, and the other was a fearless writer and light worker, whatever the special moment the skies are now brighter with our stars Liz Taylor and Jose Arguelles

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Zeitgeist SF has a panel chat on the show where they talk about building the bridge to the Venus Project and what that really means and I learn to not hate metal as an anthem it's all very exciting..... GET THE PODCAST HERE

The long Weekend of Spring and an opening of the heart

It has been a lovely weekend, for which I prepared and got most of my work done by Friday which has left me to have a very restful weekend. As Friday was the Heart Chakra dinner with friends and I had the best Green Tea ever, I have blissfully been care taking my body heart my and spirit. I watched Amelie, did lots of stretching and napping in prep for a very bust spring so I will continue to Stretch my mind my heart and my spirit with the beauty all around adn the worries to be overcome.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Today on Cultural rehab we Talk Moving Forward with SF Zeitgeist Crew

Cultural Rehab today at 4
I am super excited to have a panel of SF Zeitgeist members on the show today and we talk about what is happening locally and what is this all about when we can expect to see an ideal world.... kidding sort of. So if you wanted to know what the film is or the movement tune in and we will wrap your head around it. Or if the movie is still on your list use this as the motivation to get to it.

Monday, March 14, 2011

working in the yellow

This wonderful weekend was a test, often I have limited reserves of energy but I kept strong to wanting to be aware of what Zeitgeist was and the importance of this time as a culture and a planet and for me at 30 trying to find a resolution to what I am meant to do to make myself the person that is who I truly want to be. This morning I watched Susan Sarandon address the chilled and exhausted wisconsins who are battling the front line of our democracy as we know it. And I stood today very comfortable in my warm room unable to ride a bus to sac but unwilling to ignore the tatters of our education system either. In my English class, we will be reading Happier a bright Yellow best seller that oddly enough is a work book for what happy is, since in the preface it says that we are richer and unhappier now than we were in 1960 and that is also across the ponds as well. Timing is perfect right? Atlantis has been rediscovered of the coast of Spain as suspected for a long long time.... and Japan is under complete and utter shutdown. Clearly the changes will naturally be made but this is a process not easy, but I am honored to simply feel I am (we are this is) holding the space for what might be the turn around.
So a great quote "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Leo Da Vinci. Over the weekend there was a lot of talk on how we do this and I was amazed at how relieved everyone was that there were more people that felt as confused as they did. And itching to get started however, there is still a lot of healing to do.... still a lot of cultural tattoo, and as Sonya Sophia taught me on the show and in her class is that we have a lot of negative associations with the word "Love" and have this sense of well that is cheesy and there fore dismissive of Graditude Journals and being trusting, but the truth is of course there are walls you are not happy as a rehearsed set of rules to be unhappy, so when you are given tools to be happy with they at first are seen as stupid. We are afraid to be happy. Our inner nagger would then lose power. Our inner nagger is going to fight for the right to control you daily. It is time to fight back.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


I love Kickstarter, Indy a GOGO and all the amazing sites out there that allow for small indie projects to get made. So this being my indie media month here is a cool looking project.... check it out.

It's a Thankful Job -

After a long hard week of getting' squeezed, I manage to get juiced enough to not spend my Friday in the comforts of home watching a documentary. I rallied and asked the Universal to give me the energy to do what I wanted to do. And I really did know that I wanted more to be a part of something that I really believed in and that was worth it. As always my tired was shed and by the time I made it to the women's building in the mission I was welcomed and back in a state of fresh. I am reminded that often when we need that energy we find it. (like how tired you are before going to the gym, but once you are there, it goes away) And so I was rewarded with a marvelous time of being with like-minded citizens and that gave me heaps of hope and enthusiasm as I listened to presentations met inneresting people, and shared in wine, and cider followed at the actual Zeitgeist bar. After party extended into the wee hours with dancing and cavorting with more extraordinaries... at the Public Works Alkemist event where painting, music and general acts of being beautiful occurred, all the while being inspired and sharing my story of this my work that I have created for myself. Which makes me think that at the end of a long week I love my life, my work, and it gives me the energy to do everything i could ever want to do and more than I can ever imagine.
So thankful to share my life with such beauty.
This week a panel of Zeitgeist SF! It's gonna be GREAT! Stay Tuned. And watch the movie I have the links in my documentary of the Week.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Now We are talking TED tune in NOW

Robert Ryan is going to Rock your world

Filmmaker, Musician, magician, performer, and aquarian we sit down with one tricky water bearer to chat about how to create and uncreate everything in the known and unknown. You must must must hear this. Thursday from 4-6 on

This weekend in SF Zeitgeist is taking over!

Friday Check out the Screening
Saturday get your picnic in the park on
Sunday change the world with the Venus Project
sign up it's free!

WTF vs OMG Ted edition

As you have guessed I am a big big fan of TED in fact it is the thread that sews me up when I get glum because this is US at our potential. Ted has just wrapped up and I am really excited by some of the amazeball things that came out including understanding algebra by redesigning and humanizing the classroom with technology! Growing a liver from a 3d printer and more. Sometimes it's great to wake up and know What will we think of next!

the 5th elements is almost here!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lighter than air

This weekend I went to the Spa Avra organic and because this is about being open and honest I had a coffee colonic and followed it with the 3rd charkra vegan dinner.
The Spa experience was amazing uncomfortable and during my 1st time cleaning out my physical chakra space I really thought about what I was releasing both emotionally and physically. I then sat in the infared spa for 45 mins and began to sweat.... emotionally sweat physically sweat spiritually sweat over my life my losses and my gains and feel as present as I could feel all the while finding the forgiveness and insight into my heart and head that has lead to an immense sense of peace with the here and now. I gave birth this weekend to new creative ventures and released some fears on success and failure that have had nothing to do with the reality I live in. In the lightment is marvelous.  My point is take the risk and find your courage!
The dinner was amazing and I can only say that a good vegan dinner is pure artistry and alchemy this is a journey I am so blessed to be on.  As a part of my lesson I am wearing the color as nail polish to each dinner and keeping it for the following 2 weeks to keep me in the spirit.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Today on Cultural Rehab Maya Zuckerman is Opening a Conscious Global Conversation Will you Join US?

I met Maya Zuckerman at a Vegan Chakra Dinner Party she was helping serve the beautiful food and chatting about creating positive media, while spooning out the 1st course. She is charming and has an international and undeniable spirt and I can not wait to have her on the show and talk about all the many ways she has come to connect with her community. Tune in at 4-6 on in Studio A and I bet she has an amazing playlist!

Sexual Anarchy Archive from PBS

It is so amazing to see this, 20 years ago and how far we have come and so far we have to go. Let's check in to what we have learned from then and ask ourselves is it enough?

Watch the full episode. See more The Open Mind.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magic 3

Today I catch up on my philosophy which is always a good think. I am reading about the 4 Noble Truths and a whole big cart full of deep mystic stuff but I emerge with this for Cultural Rehab that if we so have been poisoned- Than I suggest our antidote would be 1. Generosity 2. Love 3. Clarity with Compassion.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jon Hopkins - Light Through The Veins (2009)

This was my favorite from Jonas' playlist check out more on my guest page and the links for the screening of Wake Up.

Today at 4 on Cultural Rehab Jonas Elrod from Wake Up the Documentary

March nis a time of creative expression when we shake off the internal cozy of coupling and innervisions and expose ourselves to the wonders of spring so March we are celebrating Indie media. Join us today as we speak with Jonas who has a new film that will be screening at our very favorite Sera Phi next week. So wake the Eff Up already and get your spring on!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Action painting goes 3d

Me loves some Internet

How briliant is it that for visual thinkers that powerful and amazing lectures are animated. Coming off such popular shorts as the story of Stuff which if you haven't seen are equally as engaging this feels like a profound new way to get quality content into more minds. This is part of the future of education. Bravo... I feel more enlightened already.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Group Buying for Social Good: 7 Sites Using Daily Deals to Give Back

Group Buying for Social Good: 7 Sites Using Daily Deals to Give Back As a part of my OMG segmant I thought that this was a nice way to not always been on look out for a great steal but to also give a great deal. Corny? too much shut up and do good.

Today on Cultural Rehab Midori gets our chat all sexed up!

Was your V day not exactly what you wanted, well learn to get what you want by asking for it or teasing it out.... The one and only Midori will be joining us on the show and giving us a teaser of what is to come with her Good Vibrations Class she will be teaching next week. 'Aural Sex: Seduction by Voice' So forget your baggage but come with us on a vacation cuz it's sexy time.
Cultural Rehab in studio A on from 4-6
Also check out Midori's playlist in my guest section!

Pineal Gland 101: Pineal Gland Activation

It never hurts to get a little galactic

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Guest this week for Feb -3 BunnyBunns the Nude Chef!

All I know is that this is one cool chick. BunnyBunns
will be on the show to talk about what she does and why she does it and what will cooking naked do for you. Feb. is off to a hot start tune in on

thursday 4-6


What can I say about how amazed and moved I am to see the struggle for freedom and equality and humanity my thoughts and prayers go to the people who are willing to face danger in order to find justice. This seems like such an important piece of the struggle that we; in all of our cultures must face in order to ensure that this corruption of authority be vanquished. There is no more time for greed or malice.... we have but one home.

That being said get your tickets to Egypt quick cuz they are going to be shutting down the tombs (boooooooooo.)

Documentaries of the week

So in an effort to stabalize the content of the show I will be introducing a film portion to this blogg as I am a huge film buff. I am also taking on the Evolver SF Screenings which will be Wake up coming in March.
So as was mentioned on last weeks show Zeitgeist 3 is now out which I have not seen but will between now and next show. However I did get a chance to see Foodmatters which is on Netflix instant and was really enjoyable and though often watching films about our sorry state of affairs (insert affair here) This was more uplifting about the changes that you can do to just actively fuel your body. Since watching I must say that I am having greater hankerings for raw foods and juices. While I am surely a long way away from going vegan or raw at least I'm excited to stick with fresh.

and Zeitgeist Moving Forward

Sunday, January 30, 2011

EFT is Effing Fantastic!

As a follow up to the great session I had on air Sonya Sophia invited me to her workshop to experience the 4 hour power session of finding divine love. When asked to explain EFT to a friend who was very skeptical as to why this was a process different from Reiki or why tapping with her was special I found my self not so sure footed in my response but just said that it was helpful to have a guide to teach you the process and that eventually you would be able to do it on your own. Sonya Sophia is simply an amazing spirit that I felt held a very special presence of joy and self respect that is hardly found these days but when she said that we would mostly be tapping for the 4 hours I thought, really? In that 4 hours not only did I have several deep and meaningful truths arise to the surface for me to deal with I felt like I actually dealt with them; mostly in part to Sonya Sophia's expert guidance and ability to say all of the underlying issues that were not voiced. She has created a thoughtful and extraordinary program that expresses one's natural built in justifications that our fearful mind has created and asks you to acknowledge and accept them and there for disempower them. Her insights and open loving embrace of her students and her life is inspiring and impactful and leaves you with a road map to your own personal inner peace. I can not think of a better way to spend a saturday afternoon. She will be joining me again this week to talk more about an upcoming event called the Deep Feast for more information on her and her work click here.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


As part of the new year there has been a new level of actualization and a meeting of the awesome. I met a very lovely teacher guide healer lady and she does a little something called EFT which is Emotional Freedom Technique (yes please ) So Sonya Sophia Illig, will walk us through the process and something called the deep feast..... it's gonna be delicous and speaking of delicous we will be stirring the pot with some emotional freedom anthems can you guess what they are so you have any suggestions?

So we are ramping up our senses for a Valentines to be savored with guests talking art sensuality finding health and healing get ready to get deep. Golden Globe indeed.