Thursday, May 19, 2011

Back to new Social Systems starting with planking

When I saw this I was deeply amused,
it's like reverse engineering zen meditation.

So I have been needing a lot of love and light for my body and mind this spring and this TED talk blew my mind LIterally! Also because it made my look into Ray Kurtzweil all the more amazeballs.... singularity whaaaaa? enjoy......

I always feel like I'm cheating because everything on TED is so amazing which is why I have to give a shout out that I will be fulfilling a dream and live blogging TED SF on June 4 it should be a stunning event and more detalis to come. Lets hope I get to talk bout it here!

So big plans for the summer you bethcha I am going on a Health and Spiritual Sabatacal, which should make these posts even more cultural rehab esque? Dear readers I have longed for many years to truly install some of the obvious ways of living that I am fighting for on the show and so I am off to AZ and the Tree of Life Rejuvination Spa Retreat to go raw vegan do some Yoga meditate and all the other thinks and bees that go with quiet dessert living. I have just started a chinese herb tonic which tastes like how it looks care of my friendcs at Wood Tiger in the castro, but I feel stronger, and well I thought after having a series of really stressful years and my body just feeling and looking what is unvibrant
I checked out this amazing tea Documentary All in this Tea, as well more on that in my docs section. I am going the distance and hope you will enjoy following me on the adventure. So what am I doing for rapture you ask? playing and teaching art to kids in Jellyfish gallery and dancing at Kylies Aphrodities spectacular! I'm definately feeling the love..... So lets get a little lighter and brighter and here are my weeks inspirations. Join Us today as we talk with Mira Luna about Time Banks here in SF  and author of Sacred Economics Charles Eisenstein whose titles also include The Yoga of Eating and the Asccent of Humanity so today is a real treat!

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