Cinematically Speaking

Hi again, I really do love movies this week I saw Sound of my voice, a complicated and unsatisfying film that draws you into to a big no conclusion. Aside from desperately needing an ending, the cliff hanger was a serious plot twist however I kinda thinking this is not a francise film but they certainly give you an entrace to that here is hoping fingers crossed because the moment I really cared the movie was over. The Avengers is the exact opposite the culmination of numerous reboots and franchise pieces I felt like I had been handed a string cheese stick of a movie eliminating all annoyances simply unwrap and all the work is done for you, sure it is not real mozerella cheese it is own flavor. Much like string cheese it delivers satisfaction until you are going to eat a real meal. PS Thanks Joss for a script that has a minimal amount spoof worthy 1 liners and just delivered comic wit. On Mother's Day I went for the Mother Daughter theme in Girl in Progress which fines me in a modern version of Mermaids and questioning the cast only slightly the young girl is perfect in her timing and endearing calculated smile, she gushes charm. Eva Mendes oozes her usual sexy underdog but manages to pull a little depth and scope to her working girl hapless single mom, clearly owing Cher a cut of her paycheck. Matthew Modine is forgettable and milky at best, the lovesick busboy is poorly drawn and the awkwardness of the looks of the character not to mention his random accent and choice ability to speak english are suspect. It seems a shame that this movie almost touches into the Latin Culture but it pulls back for fear of being a Latin movie, content with playing a few songs and, and drawing on old stereotypes to showcase how much "progress" American cinema is willing to make.