Design Like you mean it.

Visit The Venus Project

I heard this sold out almost instantly still all the more reason to make more. 

the Aloha of doormats. 


                                         Uber Fancy. From On a clear day you can see forever.


I love love love Jay McCarrol? 1st winner of Project Runway and it is amazing to me to see him struggle to find his voice I watched his documentary which was great and I highly recommend and it is so nice to hear where the inspiration for fashion can come from.

I love love love this guy's work! Vincent Callebaut is doing some Biomimicry that really is exciting. Now where was that billion dollars I had to fund it?

Since this is such a design thing it really belongs here instead of Documentary of the week

but just to say that the spirit that modernism has is so brightly captured in this documentary that it is really to anyone's benefit to check it out on netflix instant.

I also have a real love of to inform and delight which I will also throw up here.

This Guy built this city in Florida by himself and carved out of stone and then moved it. It's called Coral Castle and I'm thinking this is some serious magic mystery tech