Friday, April 29, 2011

the art of feeling it. Dealing with disappointments

Expectations are a given. This morning I woke to join the rest of the world in celebration of a much anticipated union, the dress was lovely and a great choice and when I heard the vows, I was spooked what was all this talk of fear of God? I guess this is the burden of Royalty that they are so weighted with luxury that there is no room for actual splendor? I  am relieved that my vision of a fairytale is now very much different than the british version, I would want the love of God to be my unifier and a kiss that would be deep and lasting to nourish our souls, if that is tradition than yes I'm new school  and not looking back.

The love of my show, well good bad or well what have you I like getting in a studio and talking listening and playing some great music, this week there has been the last minute universal, on the way to studio was an email blast saying the net was down and all shows are canceled for the day,,,, wha wha wha and oddly enough I was really looking forward to having the show all to myself again, as my guests fell through, relieved actually, as I felt they weren't a fit for what I'm trying to do here anyway and after all this is where we are coming clean so eff it. I'm going to reconstruct some of the things I would have had on a regular show and my recap I did on the various festivals for the newsmagazine at KCSF and well this is what I love to do so I'm a going to do it. As Sammy would say I gotta be me.

And in that spirit, I have been grapling with being single, which is usually not an issue, but I am strangely becoming aware of my feelings and needs and I met someone that made me very at ease and open to yonder ahead, I am reminded of the agony of self reflection and the nature of me as a desireable canidate as I push through my days and nights of should I what are the rules of our game, and that this gets reflectedw as I search emplyment that also is equally appreciative of me and can challenge and delight me and bring out my very best. It is so hard to know how much you have to offer and it sitting on a shelf waiting to have an occasion like the perfect dress, where do I wear it? My mantra is always have it and the occasion will come, perhaps my skills for the amazing job and the charm for the awesomeest guy will also automacigly harmonize together as well.  You can't hurry love, a great record, and the perfect job. SO chin up because today one girl got her wish to come true she got her prince, and maybe it was exactly what she wanted, but we know that not everything turns out perfect but just hold steady to what you really want and believe in and it will all work out.

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