Art Attack!

I love art and I want to start keeping tabs of amazing art and artists that I find because if I can't afford them I sure would like to promote or remember them because one day will be able too.

Grafixcat is outa Spain and his whimsy makes for easy viewing.

Catrin Welz-Stein has a light touch as she captures the grace of a women's heart.

Tony Hung I actually own one of his Trees and it is just as moving up close.

More fantasy, Ben Blatt is a master of shape and texture he is also the crazy talented brother of my crazy talented classmate from DSA.

Danniel Merriam has a fairy tale quality that just sucks me in I love his work, and he is hot to boot. Double fantasy indeed.

Bryandeflores has some intensive intergalactic art that is so inspiring that he calls it activators and frankly though it does seem a little wuwu I still love it.