
Going green nah just getting in the groove of responsible living, growing up is all and having an adult relationship with our World one that is mutually respectful, and will tell us no if we screw up.

This is a super site that I draw lots from and so I reveal it and hope that you will peruse it as much as I do: Inhabit

This just in: turns out Banana peels also do the work of poo-gloos whaaaaaat? so amazing.

(Waste Compliance Systems Inc.) Pollution-eating, igloo-shaped devices nicknamed Poo-Gloos sit in an unfilled sewage lagoon in Plain City, Utah, before the lagoon is filled. A new study shows the devices, sold under the name Bio-Domes, can clean up sewage as effectively as multimillion-dollar treatment plants, and thus can help small, growing towns and cities save money by using their sewage lagoons for longer periods of time before they need to build expensive sewage treatment plants.

I am a big big fan of Biomimicry and I think this is an amazing idea called

This is a talk that has stuck in my mind for over a year and so I must post it

I am a HUGE HUGE TED FAN so I will repost some of my most favorite this is Willie Smits Solving the Rain Forrest

Daniel Eagleman has some interesting ideas on how the internet is man's only hope. He is a fancy scientist by day and a best selling sci-fiction writer by night. Let's just hope there are no Solar flares. Here is a lecture I went to see at the Long Now Foundation which is a really cool band of believers.

Paul Stamets Gives another view of 6 ways to save the earth which is equally as same but different.

While I am at it here is another interesting talk called deviant civilization from Nils Gilman

I took an Amazing into to Enviro Sciences taught by one of the most passionate and inspirational teachers I have ever known this is her link for the class it is the most condensed education on what is interesting eco stuff out there have fun you will not be graded but you will be changed.