Monday, March 14, 2011

working in the yellow

This wonderful weekend was a test, often I have limited reserves of energy but I kept strong to wanting to be aware of what Zeitgeist was and the importance of this time as a culture and a planet and for me at 30 trying to find a resolution to what I am meant to do to make myself the person that is who I truly want to be. This morning I watched Susan Sarandon address the chilled and exhausted wisconsins who are battling the front line of our democracy as we know it. And I stood today very comfortable in my warm room unable to ride a bus to sac but unwilling to ignore the tatters of our education system either. In my English class, we will be reading Happier a bright Yellow best seller that oddly enough is a work book for what happy is, since in the preface it says that we are richer and unhappier now than we were in 1960 and that is also across the ponds as well. Timing is perfect right? Atlantis has been rediscovered of the coast of Spain as suspected for a long long time.... and Japan is under complete and utter shutdown. Clearly the changes will naturally be made but this is a process not easy, but I am honored to simply feel I am (we are this is) holding the space for what might be the turn around.
So a great quote "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" Leo Da Vinci. Over the weekend there was a lot of talk on how we do this and I was amazed at how relieved everyone was that there were more people that felt as confused as they did. And itching to get started however, there is still a lot of healing to do.... still a lot of cultural tattoo, and as Sonya Sophia taught me on the show and in her class is that we have a lot of negative associations with the word "Love" and have this sense of well that is cheesy and there fore dismissive of Graditude Journals and being trusting, but the truth is of course there are walls you are not happy as a rehearsed set of rules to be unhappy, so when you are given tools to be happy with they at first are seen as stupid. We are afraid to be happy. Our inner nagger would then lose power. Our inner nagger is going to fight for the right to control you daily. It is time to fight back.

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