Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Documentaries of the week

So in an effort to stabalize the content of the show I will be introducing a film portion to this blogg as I am a huge film buff. I am also taking on the Evolver SF Screenings which will be Wake up coming in March.
So as was mentioned on last weeks show Zeitgeist 3 is now out which I have not seen but will between now and next show. However I did get a chance to see Foodmatters which is on Netflix instant and was really enjoyable and though often watching films about our sorry state of affairs (insert affair here) This was more uplifting about the changes that you can do to just actively fuel your body. Since watching I must say that I am having greater hankerings for raw foods and juices. While I am surely a long way away from going vegan or raw at least I'm excited to stick with fresh.

and Zeitgeist Moving Forward

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