Saturday, March 12, 2011

It's a Thankful Job -

After a long hard week of getting' squeezed, I manage to get juiced enough to not spend my Friday in the comforts of home watching a documentary. I rallied and asked the Universal to give me the energy to do what I wanted to do. And I really did know that I wanted more to be a part of something that I really believed in and that was worth it. As always my tired was shed and by the time I made it to the women's building in the mission I was welcomed and back in a state of fresh. I am reminded that often when we need that energy we find it. (like how tired you are before going to the gym, but once you are there, it goes away) And so I was rewarded with a marvelous time of being with like-minded citizens and that gave me heaps of hope and enthusiasm as I listened to presentations met inneresting people, and shared in wine, and cider followed at the actual Zeitgeist bar. After party extended into the wee hours with dancing and cavorting with more extraordinaries... at the Public Works Alkemist event where painting, music and general acts of being beautiful occurred, all the while being inspired and sharing my story of this my work that I have created for myself. Which makes me think that at the end of a long week I love my life, my work, and it gives me the energy to do everything i could ever want to do and more than I can ever imagine.
So thankful to share my life with such beauty.
This week a panel of Zeitgeist SF! It's gonna be GREAT! Stay Tuned. And watch the movie I have the links in my documentary of the Week.

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