Friday, September 9, 2011

Sunday Night Check in- It's good to be back.

Wowsa ok, well I have missed the reflection and coming back to sharing and feeling my sense of purpose. As promised with a raw diet and exercising, I have lost over 30lbs in the almost 3 months that I have been here. I am in a seva or service position and have nuzzled my way into finding a balance with yoga zumba, qi gong, and my duties in the normal 9-5 where I have a cubicle and office mates. I live in a dorm and have had a merry- go round of roommates that are here from all over for various reasons most of them health related it seems, that they too got sick of it all and needed a break, I'm not so much seeking spiritual counselling or just plain old fashioned physical healing but there are definitely links that are sneaking into my psyche as I am building reserves and mantras to get out of bed and "just get to yoga" my tried and true are It takes courage to come to the mat every day, honor the teacher in you, I won't remeber the class but my ass will. and so on. I am not surprised that there is always drama in a small commnity but really it is where ever you go, but everyone here is punching thru and finding their way, the guests are fasting and finding themselves and I feel like I'm on a cruise ship where I get to see behind the scenes, does this make me more cynical that everyone is human and working it out... even when you eat nothing but orgainc and phase 1 and practice intention. But I do love the walk, the quiet, and though I can not make it to everything I am liking that I am just here on a road that will lead me to where I want to go because every day I am sculpting my life

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