Monday, September 12, 2011

Remembering - what is what 9/11/11

As this weekend Laboured on with a reflection on the wound of our collective conscious that was 9/11 - how it has changed the very nature of our interactions and global community and my own personal journey to and away from my place in New York, It was also Grandparents Day! And it was then that I reflected on the importance of our ancestral and our family experience rather than the lies and the haves and have nots. This weekend I was taking a drive through the country and surrounded by some lovely people all trying to heal and to activated to a higher level of living in a dessert oasis that has some extrasensory en-lightning. I have been working on heavy dream work and meditation and as I was bouncing into town I took notice of my trip to Wall mart and how this is the norm as opposed to the small independent organic grocer of Red Mountain, I ponder what kinds of jobs and lives do we as a civilization are creating for the "Wall Mart Crowd" Ten years ago I was just starting to get my sea legs back from my 1st Burningman, I was 21 and I wanted to be a voice for my generation, but in the activation of a hate cycle I could not bear to speak with the poison that drowning my country - all that could have been must now released and forgiven it is time to let the poison go. And just be with joy with laughter and with the freedom to not be miserable in the choices you and I have all made to negotiate a stranger and smoky time. Find your fire within.

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