Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gleeking out this weekend and getting Green

Ok after a hiatus of mass consumption of netwerking at
Web 2.0 Kevin Kelly from Wired gave an insightful Key note talking about the importance of streaming and curation if soon we could fit ever song that has ever been made on 1 hard drive and we all have access to it well then, how do we find what we want, digging through the crates is actually filtering the stream, and that's when we pay for it because I want the best and I want it now, like Buff exchange..... Data 2.0 If the best and the brightest minds sat in a room on Saturday and said we are going to organize all of the world's information to be simple and effective for solving the problems of modern excess how long would it take to get those systems implemented? We will soon find out. Greenfest is an emerging community and lifestyle but how do you straddle both sides by charging premeium price for some nothing at all for others it is still a strange bubble that reflects the complexity of SF itself,making money by teaching how to not care so much about it? It still is delicious and I always find new and amazing Mama Chia, orgainc finger puppets, how to make elixers, delicous vegan burger, running into friends and meeting up with leaders of the green community awesome.... and NAB show... finally I saw and met those decision makers and they all talked about developing content that is appropriate and complex and thoughtful, it was inspiring and getting to rub elbows with the creators was an important reminder of how much I have to believe in the work that I am doing, here and wherever I go what ever I do, heart on my sleeve passion in my voice and a drink raised to say I believe that this is the change despite what I see and where I go I will find it.

and coming home to needing a massive dose of Glee (an amazing show that reinforced all of my cultural curiosities and reminded me of the struggles with identy and pleaseing a crowd, finding the courage to be yourself, sticking with the dream repecting your friends and lovers, the sacrifices and consequences of your decisions it was an adreniline boost, even if it was the secondary choice to skipping in the park or lunch with my latest enigma.....
it is now time to Get Green for April! (Well let's talk about what is that process, nutrition lifestyle, making money and giving love to a gentle and frustrated earth ship so FOR EARTH DAY DO SOMETHING VERY DIRTY - GET INVOLVED IN YOUR LIFE AND COMMUNITY AND BEYOND.

On a sad note RIP GURU from GangStarr above the clouds was an anthem for me and I must must must say thanks for making me feel invincibale when I heard it. GURU thanks for sharing.

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