Thursday, June 28, 2012

Some like it very hot, Social Pollution and the State is on fire

Oh please please please bring me release from the combustible state of what I want. I mean just give what I want and I will be happy regardless f it doesn't make sense or it is beyond words or actions I promise I will do good. Wait what am I really talking about? OK so in real people terms I'm sorry about Syria and shocked at how many Christians are against Obamacare or any form of Universal Health Care? Is it not a fair bet that everyone will get sick or need care at some point in their lives and that even with insurance you are not guaranteed seeing your needs met as it is a profit based decision? Not to mention Jesus said something about compassion being what gets you in good graces and caring for your neighbor, how do these people even start to justify such a blatant disregard of their own said basic principles? My Uncle has a Oh Lord deliver Us from Obamacare bumper sticker and I am just astounded what God would not be down with creating a Universal Health Care system? Is their something more valuable than you health? How exactly do you pursue life liberty and happiness if you are sick? Anyway I realize that this is more brewing social pollution that I am giving in too, but really folks what improvements if we removed the "burden of benefits" from employers would they not be able to hire more, spend money on creating real incentive lifestyle programs, and raise the pay grade if they were not spending so much on basic benefit programs? And in speaking of American Jobs are people not outsourcing their health care by going to Mexico, Costa Rica and Thailand for dental care, and Canada for prescriptions? Can you imagine a world where everyone gets a mandatory 6 month dental cleaning for life? how many root canals would be performed then? Anyway it's really hot and when the hot seat is talking about how in debt we are, how we want more jobs, and pay less for social programs like art, libraries, parks, fireman, teachers, and health care, well I wonder if it is really hot because this is the hell which no one cares to understand that making sure that your neighbor is healthy can make you healthy too. Whew.... Lingerings in Love, I just saw this week with Marilyn and was illuminated with dance of sensuality as I attended a friends wedding this weekend. Yes they have been together for years and own a home and couture clothing business together but they spent money and time to celebrate and consecrate their union and I was witness to the luxury of love, and framing this with people drunk in the middle of the day feeling uncomfortably fancy and doing various forms of mating dances all through the night I wonder how it is that love is still all that anyone wants and the glow of sexy which Marilyn was so stylishly graced with emanating can come at such costs. I am reminded of the importance of remembering how to have warm and tender looks, to have riveting fountains of giggles and giving the people what they want.... stolen moments where it is just you and undivided attention. In summer when skin and desire are frolicking in the park and at the pool and in the oasis of shade and air conditioning remember that there is hope, hope to find cool and hope to find hot very very very hot. Cultural rehab the mix is taking a siesta this week but will be ready for the Fourth of July Extravaganza next week! Till then keep it shady. mwah.

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