Thursday, June 14, 2012

Just Be Yourself and other Joys of the Obvious

Cultural Rehab Airs Today on it features a great interview with Adam Lerner as he talks about building cultural credit in Denver and Risk Reward for TEDxMileHigh, please check it out I am currently working on being able to download the podcast or listen beyond the 4pm MST. IT is coming lesson learned from not saving my shows at several locations as I might have lost the orginal cultural rehabs. (man full disclosure sucks) and inspite of my awkward fobbles into creating a show laptop limited, it is still the nature of pursuing the pleasure of ideas that keeps me going. Cultural Rehab is about being honest and the pursuit of clarity reviving the spirit and not trampling it. Yesterday I puckered in a haze of broken threads as I feel weary at times from all the trains I have been getting on and off of over the last 2 years and to be so close to where I started but yet my mind is stronger but am I a kinderler gentler version, does all this compassion through hummble physical and finnacial limitations beckon a greater glory? Is it silly to say I want more, when it is the fairy tale notions that has swallowed the reality of true romantic action? In life am I just as illusioned as a 30something single women now swimming in the grace of almost and should be? Today I watched a clip of the new Bethany program and Ellen the great giving her the advice to "just be yourself" I watched the conversation with Amanda De Cadanet and everyone always has this just be honest message - but really where is your honesty - how did these women get the privledge to give the message, on the back of slurping for corporate applause? I like who I am right up until I'm driving home and only then as I get to bed do I find an alternate notion that might have allowed me a life more risky. So is that me the lady that walks away with the status quo and a bucket of expectation of rules or is it me that I become alone in the dark driving home that is funnier and smarter and says let's make out. Cool new things: sperm whales have joints in their rib cages that allow them to collapse this is for the deep ocean diving and presure changes, men are hormonoly designed to sit on a couch and quietly watch tv it's how they refuel the testosterone tank, women however revive by reconnecting and communicating.... hunter and gather so maybe ladies and gents give a quick pardon to the "he's lazy selfish and boring" and "she is nagging, demanding and silly" and just realize the importance of how thousands of years plays out in your everyday. Perception builds a lot of emotional context, don't let it.

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