Thursday, April 19, 2012

Do catapillirs know they have this amazing future ahead of them?

Some days suck. Not for any good reason, if only you want more freedom to do more of exactly as you please. Your mind can beat you up with a lot "if onlys". This recovery process is so slow with the lack of connection between my able working and not working self can do. Being in the country with no fun money and wheels, well it leaves me with the option to read and write and blog and watch movies, is this really so bad? But it is lacking in glamour for sure. My confidence in the clarity of my skills gets questioned as I'm not snapped up with my extensive experience in everything. Yet it is a time for change so why would I be anxious to stand in line to join the party? Today I toured the 25 most awesome libraries of the world

thanks Flavorwire. kept flipping through my Atlas of Atlantis and discovered Mu, thought to be a mother culture to Egypt and the Maya and perhaps has these ancient texts that would serve as the basis for how the hieroglyphs of both cultures evolved out of nowhere.
And I felt a connection a deep long longing like there was a home there not just because snakes have been talking to me in my dreams for a while now, or that I dream of watery worlds or just know that there is something much older and wiser than what I am looking at in my day to day, I also picked up the revised copy of alchemy and the 9 dimensions and If I have not made it clear that it is very important reading for everyone. IT IS. I enjoyed the Daily show from last night which featured an economist Robert Relch talking at length about the sham this country is in and that it takes the will of the people to create the teeth to bite the corporate hand that feeds the pig. I made a veggie chili with soyrizo and had a slice of homemade chocolate cake with berry topping, my favorite. Last night I did the 1st show and caught up with 1st Class DJ and all around good chap William Wardlaw I still look for real jobs, feel guilty I'm not pumping gas or waiting tables but my health is really not there to do those obvious things perhaps I should be more comfortable with this time spent in a spiritually supported if not lucritive space. Eff it whose time table am I on besides the Universal to be more active. I have a new HOT THOUGHT

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