Friday, April 20, 2012

It's raining Diamonds on Neptune

Shifting the paradigm is often faster than you think. It only takes a moment and then you are changed if you allow yourself to accept what is new and just go with it. This week I cleansed by taking some water that is meant to clean up your system and guess what? my body churned and burned and exiled past grievances from my diet.... it was not fun, but it was what I guess I had intentioned. The only surprise was that it worked so well. In other shift in perspective news Happy 4:20 I am thrilled to see the return of the physcadelic and the use of medical cannabis, since the War on Drugs is not really even possible and the black market that is created is far more dangerous, than teaching people to use recreationally and responsibly and quality control and the lack of taxabale income, or the use of hemp as an industrial product safer more effective than paper or cotton or corn oil, well I'm sure you know the facts and if you don't know well then here is a hint of the basics.

I also decided to not be as polarized by my exile in poverty in the country and tried, tried to enjoy the quiet grace of humble abode for a spell, also and this is my favorite is I created a safe word with my mother. I like most people have parental issues, usually in regards to boundaries and patterns of personality reflecting in the same conversations rehashed, she wants me to want something in the way that she wants something - over the years we have eroded certain subjects to the brink of complete barren but still the core problem is still there which is that we are fundamentally different in our approach to problems. And this week I was able to push a safe word to her... "Tulip" I lurched from the depths of my throat. And explained that this must be the end of this conversation because we are on a road to nowhere except abusing each others time and patience, and in my desperate cry out much like in the context of a normal "safe word" she stopped. And since then we get back to the desert I simply call out Tulip and she knows we are done. I feel that this success could be applied to all relationships by taking an objectified stance to a highly emotional state through a safe word is empowering me to engage back in the conversation because I no longer feel that it will just lead to the dessert of demands. The take away: respecting others does not serve unless you can respect your own needs.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Do catapillirs know they have this amazing future ahead of them?

Some days suck. Not for any good reason, if only you want more freedom to do more of exactly as you please. Your mind can beat you up with a lot "if onlys". This recovery process is so slow with the lack of connection between my able working and not working self can do. Being in the country with no fun money and wheels, well it leaves me with the option to read and write and blog and watch movies, is this really so bad? But it is lacking in glamour for sure. My confidence in the clarity of my skills gets questioned as I'm not snapped up with my extensive experience in everything. Yet it is a time for change so why would I be anxious to stand in line to join the party? Today I toured the 25 most awesome libraries of the world

thanks Flavorwire. kept flipping through my Atlas of Atlantis and discovered Mu, thought to be a mother culture to Egypt and the Maya and perhaps has these ancient texts that would serve as the basis for how the hieroglyphs of both cultures evolved out of nowhere.
And I felt a connection a deep long longing like there was a home there not just because snakes have been talking to me in my dreams for a while now, or that I dream of watery worlds or just know that there is something much older and wiser than what I am looking at in my day to day, I also picked up the revised copy of alchemy and the 9 dimensions and If I have not made it clear that it is very important reading for everyone. IT IS. I enjoyed the Daily show from last night which featured an economist Robert Relch talking at length about the sham this country is in and that it takes the will of the people to create the teeth to bite the corporate hand that feeds the pig. I made a veggie chili with soyrizo and had a slice of homemade chocolate cake with berry topping, my favorite. Last night I did the 1st show and caught up with 1st Class DJ and all around good chap William Wardlaw I still look for real jobs, feel guilty I'm not pumping gas or waiting tables but my health is really not there to do those obvious things perhaps I should be more comfortable with this time spent in a spiritually supported if not lucritive space. Eff it whose time table am I on besides the Universal to be more active. I have a new HOT THOUGHT

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Time to begin!

Well I'm excited and nervous,

Today I begin the journey again, finding the relevance and guests and the voice to represent the frustrated and the hopeful, I keep this flame alive in my heart because I know that I can find love and dignity joy and passion, peace and compassion and Grace. This is going to be fun and each moment I will pledge to you that we will stay authentic build meaning and quest for the excellence in all of the guests and god times that lay ahead in the hard work that I pour into this project to stick with quality to be honest and open and bring you the awesome people stories and ideas that the flame is meant for. Let's do this! It's 2012 and the time has come. A little treat from yesterdays TED finds


Friday, April 13, 2012

News you can use!

With the return of the show next week I will be focusing on what the electronica movement in music as it is my love love love and that there is a Party I will be attending for the old sckoolers that were around in the 90s a classic rave is coming, hopefully with some interviews and we will explore the culture of rave and what it means now and how it evolved. In the meantime I also read 2 very interesting articles that I'd like to post as I'm sure I will mention them. One is stem cell break through with HIV and the other is a simple solution to birth control, namely mens non- hormonal cheap effective and reversabile birth control that is not being used in the US but is common practice in the 3rd world. I mention this as that I want to keep focusing on the news that is helpful that we as a civilization are actually interested in problem solving and that it is vital that this information is demanded to be know and used so that we stop ignoring the obligations of our problems and the expensive band-aids attached but move on to the lifestyle that is afforded when we are not spent chasing bad ideas into dark alleys to be robbed and beaten to an inch of a bleary life of disease and baby-mama drama. maybe if the GOP would get behind the Men's birth control there would be a lot more time spent campaigning on problems that they could fix.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Jazzzzzz Hands Cultural Rehab has a voice and a home AGAIN!

Wow so here is some news I can use! I am with a show again which is good because honestly this is something that gives me a feeling of place and purpose, So coming soon is Post303 radio willbe hosting me and I will get back to having a regularity of feed and fodder to rave and rile for. I'm going to delve into local music chatting with DJs producers, artists, writers, wellness experts, how do they find the sweet spot of inspiration and balance to being a Urban yogi, or do they. There will be an onslaught of ideas kicked around and opinions on finding coping and thriving as an artist and as a community.l Im so excitied I want to Shout.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter and my finding my spiritual job.

This week was my birthday

and with being the aries comes the imaculate timing of feeling refreshed and reflective while nature herself springs to life again. So as I start to shake away the gloom of a wary winter of sorrow and stigma of survival instead of thriving I was thwarting. After a big year of upheaval and healing and challenging myself in love and nature and physical endurance and literally crash landing in my home town to rehash and revive the well worn ways of Denver comforts and limitations. My age old Denver question yeah it's a great town but how do I get paid to live here and don't I want to play with big kids? My ambitions to be a coastal girl, I could get paid to do what I love. It's that simple. Or is it? In my birthday week I was unable to do my job or so I thought because my car broke down, and I had a mad men party that only my closest friends attended it was fun and intimate, I went dancing and was on the floor as they played classic hip hop, it was mostly white boys singing along and bouncing around trying to grind on the ladies it was a drunken bumble but it was happy enough. Brunch was on a patio overlooking the mountains and that felt more church like than any sermon I would have sat through to remind myself of rebirth. I watched the Passion of the Christ

and finally felt some connection to the story of Jesus, I have always appreciated his message of love and compassion, but to see him endure suffering at the demand of the public and the connection that a mother and child has gave me a sense of humbling to what my life's work is and should be about and why I am always at odds with what I am going to do with my day, and how do I wish to be rewarded for my actions and talents and if I even seek out to best use them. Does anyone? Is this what would heal the world? Nourishing my spiritual worker seems more and more a priority but in truth it has always been hungry, and never was satisfied by the usual fare. So back to the drawing board I go determined to keep carving at the things that bring me peace of mind and know that they will find a way to a peace with my wallet.