Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Uptick

it is early in the morning and I can't sleep. My only recourse it to produce something, drain out the thoughts and feelings that are keeping me connected to the shared reality that is not the internets and so I will spill them here. I'm feeling the need to de-clutter my life I have always been a collector of things books movies shoes clothes jewelry art I love beautiful things, I woke up with the sense it was time to let some of that go, since after all I don't really use it, my home is more a museum of lovely things, I have just started another project (yikes! well this is what happens to the newly single the time to cleanse reshape and grow).
Yesterday I followed my urges and went to the New Media Film Festival, it was a raw symposium of creatives detangling the web for all of it's powers and pleasures in order to deliver a story fast cheap and unrestricted. The panelists were from every industry, from motorolla, and digg to manic d publishing, Susan Johnston had only the idea for the festival 1 year ago and had actualized her vision. The festival is the new Sundance for the FaceBook crowd. On a personal note I am reminded of 2 conversations that I have had in my life to which I have drawn my motivations when I get tired or my vision gets blurry.
1. My sound professor Sheila with the radiant red hair, told her story of being lucky getting a job as a sound engineer at a well know studio, she said it was really being in the right place at the right time, and that was really all the hard work that had come before the luck, she had volunteered as the secratery to the head of the sound engineering department and when the studio called looking for fresh new talent guess who got the call. Lucky, but worked very hard to be the right person for the job.
2. I was/am a big fan of DJ Spooky I thought it was marvelous what he was doing as an artist/DJ/ creative and was really inspired by his body of work, when I mentioned how much of a fan I was and how I would love to meet him to a friend of mine who was a gallery owner in Denver, he said why would you like to meet him? I would rather work with him. It motivated me to think about the people I admire and if I met them would I be able to actually talk to them, bring something to the table beyond just asking for a picture. If they were inspired and can do all these great things then I should be able to as well, after all they have the same 24 hours as I do. I won't be Sara Chang but I will work to continue to meet amazing and intersting people and exchange with them the joy of waking up in the morning and loving what you do, even if the sun isn't up yet. Here comes the Sun. Good Morning.

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