Sunday, November 21, 2010

Holiday Hoopla

Having a holiday reserved for spending time with family and friends over a shared feast sounds great, except when it reinforces a perversion of the foundation of this country. I love a good meal but to have it based on the falsity of pilgrims sharing a turkey and pie with the native Americans instead of slaughtering them in a fight over land rights well that seems like a bad idea. Sure, it's natural to put on rose colored glasses, but should we really be celebrating our families and being "thankful" with such a devious previous intention does that not set the tone for all the other falsities that come with this country? I enjoy giving and the season and all the warmth that it generates yet it is nauseating how the industry of "Merry Christmas" and "season's greetings" is shoved down my throat from music to colors to everywhere there is the mention of indulgence, where is the generosity of the spirit when the spirit of giving is more an obligation? i want to be full of joy. But why do i have to flaunt it?

perhaps the spirit of giving is more in the roots of helping programs; uhuru pies is a turnkey approach to having a product  which everyone loves and is a staple of the season. Uhuru means freedom in Swahili and perhaps they are right maybe this idea is a slice of free choice to enjoy and help the community. It's made from organic /donated ingredients from local farms prepared by volunteers  in an Oakland  kitchen with the profits going  right back into the community and the African education and defense fund. A great project where the community is involved in many ways from baking to selling to enjoying  people come together over good food, now that sounds like a way to give thanks to me.

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