Monday, November 29, 2010

Chance encounters and denying the urge

How does a week go by with so much expectation and intent and yet so little in return. I suffer from the lack of ignition, I enjoy working out I just forget that I do and so I avoid the activity. Self sabotage comes in so many forms and usually is so automatic that it isn't even recognized until after the fact. You meet someone interesting and as I am recovering from not having to close, I walk away with out a rain check. And so a long weekend of relaxing and indulging ensued; however once a new possibility comes into your field you want the rest of your life to start as quickly as possible.  Tick tick tick each moment of chance meetings plans and all the created scenarios of awesome lifestyle flicker away as if a movie on the reel. Such is also the way for shopping it is a practice of envisioning the new life that is surrounded by the item. All the things you will do or see or who you will meet with your new stuff. How can one deny the inspirations and hope for a better life filled with a glowing perfection of ideal you.

Breathe deep and put it down. This is no longer the era of must have..... but for a new person is it ok to say "SOLD! I must have you."

The new mantra is "Just do it, you will be glad you did." warning this may lead to being broke and rejected but at least you know.

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