Sunday, November 14, 2010

The art of me time

I am here on Sunday after a long weekend filled with meeting great people, dinner with friends in the mission at Gracias Madre where there was a gentrafuckcation demonstration
(side note: why would you target a vegan mexican restaurant in the mission and point an angry finger and squeal gentrifiers? Is this not a place that represents the culture in a an uplifted way? Fine Dining mexican instead of another taqueria, their argument was that it was not affordable; really dinner for four with a 105 bill? It seemed more of a personal issue rather that an organized demonstration. Anyways I fought back with the protesters and was rewarded with the best table in the house right in front of the mural of a loving mother, I guess she likes it when she is stuck up for) It seems like a normal process run down neighborhoods attract artists and artists attract hipsters which attract businesses. This is the cycle of life and every area in a city goes through revival. What do you do with the poor people though........
Saturday was spent at the Writersforchange conference and I was given a wonderful chance to meet more inspiring and lovely folks that felt a duty to have meaning in there work, Dan Millman was a great speaker and the presentations were excellent. I rolled on over to an arts lecture that had an amazing view of the city and free food and drinks. I was amazed and only slightly annoyed that while the lecture was happening (the reason for the shin dig) vultures swooped in taking as much as their plates could hold; leaving nothing for the people that actually listened to what the panel had to say about the Mission School. Yes there were lot's of good lookings and plenty of scavengers, but the night led to mostly empty encounters of passing the time. When it comes to today I felt I needed a little me time to get laundry done and catch up on email and watch Avatar and Ancient Aliens, actually cook a meal and enjoy it at the our table; and then it struck me like a bolt of lightening... all of this is me time. My whole life is me time. Now what>

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