Monday, November 29, 2010

Future options:

the venus project this is an interesting project that is out there, I thought I would share. It seems important that we all start researching ideas and putting them into practice.

Chance encounters and denying the urge

How does a week go by with so much expectation and intent and yet so little in return. I suffer from the lack of ignition, I enjoy working out I just forget that I do and so I avoid the activity. Self sabotage comes in so many forms and usually is so automatic that it isn't even recognized until after the fact. You meet someone interesting and as I am recovering from not having to close, I walk away with out a rain check. And so a long weekend of relaxing and indulging ensued; however once a new possibility comes into your field you want the rest of your life to start as quickly as possible.  Tick tick tick each moment of chance meetings plans and all the created scenarios of awesome lifestyle flicker away as if a movie on the reel. Such is also the way for shopping it is a practice of envisioning the new life that is surrounded by the item. All the things you will do or see or who you will meet with your new stuff. How can one deny the inspirations and hope for a better life filled with a glowing perfection of ideal you.

Breathe deep and put it down. This is no longer the era of must have..... but for a new person is it ok to say "SOLD! I must have you."

The new mantra is "Just do it, you will be glad you did." warning this may lead to being broke and rejected but at least you know.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Holiday Hoopla

Having a holiday reserved for spending time with family and friends over a shared feast sounds great, except when it reinforces a perversion of the foundation of this country. I love a good meal but to have it based on the falsity of pilgrims sharing a turkey and pie with the native Americans instead of slaughtering them in a fight over land rights well that seems like a bad idea. Sure, it's natural to put on rose colored glasses, but should we really be celebrating our families and being "thankful" with such a devious previous intention does that not set the tone for all the other falsities that come with this country? I enjoy giving and the season and all the warmth that it generates yet it is nauseating how the industry of "Merry Christmas" and "season's greetings" is shoved down my throat from music to colors to everywhere there is the mention of indulgence, where is the generosity of the spirit when the spirit of giving is more an obligation? i want to be full of joy. But why do i have to flaunt it?

perhaps the spirit of giving is more in the roots of helping programs; uhuru pies is a turnkey approach to having a product  which everyone loves and is a staple of the season. Uhuru means freedom in Swahili and perhaps they are right maybe this idea is a slice of free choice to enjoy and help the community. It's made from organic /donated ingredients from local farms prepared by volunteers  in an Oakland  kitchen with the profits going  right back into the community and the African education and defense fund. A great project where the community is involved in many ways from baking to selling to enjoying  people come together over good food, now that sounds like a way to give thanks to me.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ancient Aliens — Season 2 Episode Guide —

Ancient Aliens — Season 2 Episode Guide — This is a fun series that talks about all of the energy lines on the planet the ring of mystery bermuda triangle, the zone of silence in mexico which I had never heard of and all the bizareness of peru and the gateway of the gods

The art of me time

I am here on Sunday after a long weekend filled with meeting great people, dinner with friends in the mission at Gracias Madre where there was a gentrafuckcation demonstration
(side note: why would you target a vegan mexican restaurant in the mission and point an angry finger and squeal gentrifiers? Is this not a place that represents the culture in a an uplifted way? Fine Dining mexican instead of another taqueria, their argument was that it was not affordable; really dinner for four with a 105 bill? It seemed more of a personal issue rather that an organized demonstration. Anyways I fought back with the protesters and was rewarded with the best table in the house right in front of the mural of a loving mother, I guess she likes it when she is stuck up for) It seems like a normal process run down neighborhoods attract artists and artists attract hipsters which attract businesses. This is the cycle of life and every area in a city goes through revival. What do you do with the poor people though........
Saturday was spent at the Writersforchange conference and I was given a wonderful chance to meet more inspiring and lovely folks that felt a duty to have meaning in there work, Dan Millman was a great speaker and the presentations were excellent. I rolled on over to an arts lecture that had an amazing view of the city and free food and drinks. I was amazed and only slightly annoyed that while the lecture was happening (the reason for the shin dig) vultures swooped in taking as much as their plates could hold; leaving nothing for the people that actually listened to what the panel had to say about the Mission School. Yes there were lot's of good lookings and plenty of scavengers, but the night led to mostly empty encounters of passing the time. When it comes to today I felt I needed a little me time to get laundry done and catch up on email and watch Avatar and Ancient Aliens, actually cook a meal and enjoy it at the our table; and then it struck me like a bolt of lightening... all of this is me time. My whole life is me time. Now what>

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Uptick

it is early in the morning and I can't sleep. My only recourse it to produce something, drain out the thoughts and feelings that are keeping me connected to the shared reality that is not the internets and so I will spill them here. I'm feeling the need to de-clutter my life I have always been a collector of things books movies shoes clothes jewelry art I love beautiful things, I woke up with the sense it was time to let some of that go, since after all I don't really use it, my home is more a museum of lovely things, I have just started another project (yikes! well this is what happens to the newly single the time to cleanse reshape and grow).
Yesterday I followed my urges and went to the New Media Film Festival, it was a raw symposium of creatives detangling the web for all of it's powers and pleasures in order to deliver a story fast cheap and unrestricted. The panelists were from every industry, from motorolla, and digg to manic d publishing, Susan Johnston had only the idea for the festival 1 year ago and had actualized her vision. The festival is the new Sundance for the FaceBook crowd. On a personal note I am reminded of 2 conversations that I have had in my life to which I have drawn my motivations when I get tired or my vision gets blurry.
1. My sound professor Sheila with the radiant red hair, told her story of being lucky getting a job as a sound engineer at a well know studio, she said it was really being in the right place at the right time, and that was really all the hard work that had come before the luck, she had volunteered as the secratery to the head of the sound engineering department and when the studio called looking for fresh new talent guess who got the call. Lucky, but worked very hard to be the right person for the job.
2. I was/am a big fan of DJ Spooky I thought it was marvelous what he was doing as an artist/DJ/ creative and was really inspired by his body of work, when I mentioned how much of a fan I was and how I would love to meet him to a friend of mine who was a gallery owner in Denver, he said why would you like to meet him? I would rather work with him. It motivated me to think about the people I admire and if I met them would I be able to actually talk to them, bring something to the table beyond just asking for a picture. If they were inspired and can do all these great things then I should be able to as well, after all they have the same 24 hours as I do. I won't be Sara Chang but I will work to continue to meet amazing and intersting people and exchange with them the joy of waking up in the morning and loving what you do, even if the sun isn't up yet. Here comes the Sun. Good Morning.

Monday, November 1, 2010

8 year old Child Painting Prodigy has already earned $250000

This was so inspiring not only was she calm and collected and thoughtful but she is simply doing what she is good at and has a passion for. This is what happens when you trust in the child.

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