Sunday, February 23, 2014

Holding Space for the Miracle, POST Valentine's Day

So everyone has a list. A list of things that are wrong that feels overwhelming and leads to the inertia of what can I do about it: Keystone pipeline, Kiev is burning and Venezuela is going offline, Olympics are sponsored by McDonald's?         Cable Mergers I pay 6.4 percent interest on my student loans with virtually no forgiveness, but corporate loans pay less than one percent and can file bankruptcy shielding any accountability to consumers, not to mention a prisoner costs 40+K a year, and a lifetime of loan money for a student is 38K. Drone programs,
, Teabagger politicking effectively squashing the rights and freedoms of women, gays, and various shades of browns, under the banner of Christian morality? Greed is Good for what exactly? But protesting with ironic signs, or pledging online seems meager at best, but no real My friend posted on FB, "don't go to Burning man this year- stop partying the world needs you-" and I have been haunted ever since.

Last night I watched 2 films, Blue Jasmine the Woody Allen film (my last, I weary to support a man so clearly at odds with women), but this latest tale shows another shrieking crazed harpies on the verge of a nervous breakdown when her high society life is shredded when her husband a Bernie maddof replica is exposed. She is forced to endure life in the cuts, and while it plays to every girl deepest Cinderella fantasy of being plucked pampered and spoiled by the perfect smart rich good looking man that loves you and gives you everything and the ominous cloud of cheating scandal and being left with nothing and no skills or means tossed out with nothing but your last years Chanel coat and a skill set un-sellable. It made me think of all the money donated to charities stolen from the rich and funneled to the poor, the party for the cause. Could Burning man develop deeper programs to justify this massive party in the desert. A TedxBurningMan, a guideline of 40 hours of service time bank discount for community action projects, or sustainable practice camps that win better locations. A pavilion of non-profits that gets voted on and wins a burning man grant. Why is the best party in the world not offering organized or intentional contributions back to the community of man- The man burns every year and there is no offering to "rebuild" him. And speaking of misguided energies this whole SF private bus debacle is a shambles of allegiances. The irony of the artsy crowd of the last ten years being offended that the tech crowd have private transportation - the culture of SF is being squandered, protests and eggs literally being thrown at employees on their way to work, really? Sure these tech guys are well if not over paid (19 billion for a texting app?) But this IS SF  the very essence of a boom town even in the 1800s it was expensive to live there and it was fraught with heart ache and fortunes were made and lost.

Fundamentally we are hating the players  not the game. When I moved to the mission it was awkwardly finding the confidence to charge more even though there were still plenty of dirty needles and piss pools, and bundled Latins hustling down market, but with the proximity to the bart, the notable extra sunshine, plenty of bars and cheap taquerias it was quickly becoming the destination inevitably more desirable, so now there are better stores, more restaurants and whole lot less crack deals- Yes SF is in a class war - but is there not some gray in there? Can there not be a way to openly sustain the eclectic artist community with the thriving tech industry as the oil barons did for Cartier and Faberge'? Millennials have proven they are not looking to insulate by moving to McMansions in the burbs like rappers or sports stars appear to do (do they?) Of course it may be because teckies are more likely from the burbs and want more culture now that they are on their own, so what might actually address the actual housing crisis? This.  And while we are still rummaging around on Community and calls to action in Brazil they are testing a cultural grant where they give the poor 20 bucks a month mad money to spend on books, movies what have you to make their lives a little better than work/  home. Heaven knows everyone does better with a 3rd place.

Movie 2 was Don Jon a slippery underdog film that was provocative entertaining and enlightening. When I first started dating my eventual live in boyfriend I was never against porn, my mom had playboys in the house as models (she was a painter) anyway I never thought of it as filthy but merely a quick fix. fast forward to an internet  that you can easily watch videos on and bam! an entire new beast of addiction has emerged. All of my guy friends talk about porn, and my boyfriend well yes he watched it, alot, daily. At first I took it personally, that he wasn't attracted to me as some fake coked up strippers with their orange asses and plastic tits honestly I still don't fully understand the relentless pursuit of porn if you have a good sex life but this movie was both funny and insightful to how the male mind navigates this addiction. It leaves me wondering though about my rules I got over it, kinda enjoyed it, but it wasn't a deal breaker - maybe I should have asked for more from him - to be more present - I wonder if I lack self respect because I am not interested in wrapping a man around my finger _ I guess I turned out to be more Julianne Moore that Scarlett Johanson anyway sex is precious because vulnerability is precious and there are few moments that demand authenticity like an orgasm and fewer moments that are corrupted better by our culture than around sex with partner or with that perfect easy screen whether it's selling lust or love.
Rounding out this post is the essence of I saw 2 strange currencies of environmental awakenings that were the actual inspiration of this post 1. A Fresh Water reserve has been discovered as an effective do over shhh don't tell Nestle. 2. An ancient 298 million year old forest was discovered beneath a coal mine in China!shhhhhh don't tell China!  
and then there is this Ronan Farrow is kinda my grown up cougar crush. Sorry Ryan Gosling
And this is my mobile device fantasy.

PS Visual Indulgences:

And if you need some work to go deeper in your woo This book is some kinda extra clarity  . Learning about the North Node is revolutionary. So Be Present and your grind on. Also this is my Anthem : Preach!

Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Eagle has landed! Sex Positive Culture and Very Spicy Dice is now!
I have birthed my 1st APP into the world! Very Spicy Dice is now available on Google Play - just in time for the Love Quake that is Valentine's Day arguably the most pressured filled stew pot of love confusion and aching - this celebration of romance is my favorite challenge as it forces me to take stock of the love I give and the love I receive for friends and lovers and family. How good is my communication about love - I have never been shy about my comfort with my curiosity about love and I have always loved to explore playful, and push my power and understand the thrills and spills of being a passionate woman. One of my favorite fun games was sexy dice, introduced to me in a back alley when I was a mere scamp they have always represented the importance of spontaneity and over coming inhibitions. And so I have made the ultimate Sexy Dice un beholden to 6 sides and included are a locations option and 50 shades spicier which features more advanced play options that you might have read about in that book that every woman read. I hope you enjoy the game and play it frequently! I believe that the keys to changing this paradigm is by exploring our sense of sexuality becoming comfortable with who we are and developing the knowledge of what we need. It is our ahh state.
This is everything - I am loving the New Beyonce Album  - A sexy honest anthem of life when you have it all- And that's why you win at the Grammy's instead of get trashed at the VMAs.  So find the the inner smile and know that you can do what you please!

also I find this super cute girl refreshingly helpful so check her out:

And while we are at it let's get a few more stats in there! 

The Vessel celebrations in the eye of the storm.

It has been a recurring theme in my conversations that science and spirituality are much closer than we are comfortable with. In fact I am sure that science is the ever evolving map of spirituality because it is setting out to understand the rules of the universe the tender life code that pulses through our networks of bliss and frustrations. Breathes life into our zeitgeist of this flicker of civilization- it is a galaxy of slippery shimmering knowledge that looms in the distance reflecting in our curiosity and diligence. In 2014 I have made resolves to drink more water and sit quietly reading with more tea. To learn the choreography of a Beyonce video, to bring my app to market and to open my heart enough to forgive what has been inside no matter how dark or disappointing.
It seems I am not the 1st to map a women's heart and truth be told that must be one of my many new projects on the table - what does my heart map look like? I have been getting my woo on in search of the vital act of clarification by syncing with the new moon - also I was given this little gift :

An inspiring lecture I would recommend the entire series..... also the balance for me is that it is important to find a space in not just assuring that my path is being heard but that I put some place for the healing of the world and I found this one that has a nice tone......   I went to a lecture on how to get what you really want, and I thought I would share some of my notes... also some facts about what successful people do that unsuccessful people don't. What do you really want?

Who do you need to be to have those things happen ?

Strength virtue character

What moves you.

Integrity meaning

Your truth is not always true
What is my limiting belief
Creating circumstances

I'm too much / broke

I'm not healthy enough

Because I'm not disciplined I won't be successful

I'm really happy and I've got tons of money

I'm the healthiest I've ever been

I am the get er done girl. I'm focused and

Write your action step for the day

The harder I work the luckier I get.

Wake up earlier
Journal entries
Write down short and long term goals
Daily to do list
Include your new habits
Review your day celebrate your wins identify your losses

I love the benefits of reading and exercising
connect with your networks - just for fun 
listen to audio books, journal, be honest about your time and it's value- KEEP STRETCHING!

OK that was a lot of woo - But it is a new year and that is hope: and ultimately that is the stock and trade of humanity.