Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The American Spring has Sprung-

Greetings from a winter wonderland in Denver ! That's right it is April and there is sparkly white fluff dressed about the trees, and only but a couple days ago I was standing outside Beauty Bar in a light jacket thinking how great things are going to be and that there is some glimmer of lovely that is in store.... and then the "N" word erupted and a scuffle of shoving a rolley polley man away from the club, it could have been a brief awkward moment but it relapsed, the young black man had been called the "N" word by a white/ Hispanic? very fat very drunk guy with glasses and the young black man was inconsolable and shouted how dare he and that was his word and that man had no right. Now I did not witness the actual original name calling or the context and I certainly understand someone saying something out of place, or having the right to be offended but this young man spent about ten minutes screaming at the guy who was barely able to stand, but was not allowed to slink away back into his misery of being a sad lonely fat guy on a Sunday with no where to go and nobody to love, he looked desperate almost begging to be beaten to not wake up to the sadness of another week to be faced. And so on and on the young black man wailed about the "N" word in fact evoking the hatred that had been the basis of it's ugliness to begin with. And so the balance of power continues to re verb around race, but I thought about other buzz words that have been re appropriated, A gay man can use the word Faggot, but nobody else, A woman can use the word Bitch to describe her or her friends, but no one else. We have to concede that there is the option when faced with someone saying something even if they are not in the circle and it is just used as a term of suppression rather than inclusion, is that the power that you wield comes not from the word but the intended persona it is identifying, if called a bitch and you proceed to get angry and insulted and treating and show them what a bitch looks like even if that not who you are, are you simply fulfilling a prophecy, or do you have a chance to breathe and make some feel shamed for judging by a quick retort of, "who are you, you don't know me like that mister cellophane", and walk on by. Grace is the ultimate aggregate and I urge everyone to hold their beliefs, but remember usually someone is desperate and wants to just bring hurt into the world that has hurt them, don't be their victim.

That Said, please please please please  have grace and compassion not just for Boston, or the families of victims but see this as an opportunity to expand the parameters and be mindful of all the senseless suffering that takes place world wide that is at American Hands. We are all delicate and regardless of race we need to demand PEACE, as the always razor sharp Bill Maher said we need to stop being War Mongers and start seeing Peace as Strength. I  loathe the idea of justice, it is a farce, does it bring comfort to the grieving? We have spent maybe a trillion dollars and thousands of American lives and hundreds of thousands of Iraq and Afghanastan lives  to kill one man, who was orginally one of our trained guys. Are we better for it, do the teachers losing pays as schools budgets get cut sleep easier knowing we got our guy? We have known, or I have felt this tension, the struggle with gun control, and the endless mess of politicizing social programs and demanding Austerity in the face of crisis (which by the way has never worked just ask England) till way to many Americans turn desperate zombies as they have been trampled too many times. My heart sinks to see tanks in Boston, we can not endure any more Nationalism and so this can not be resolved by violence. Guns don't make you safe, as soon as you have a weapon you stop using your mind to understand and solve your problems.

I can't watch the news right now because, I need to see some solutions and bigger ideas to chew on and so I would like to offer up some Hope:

Also is it time to reinvent currency as a clean untraceable digital form aka Bitcoin? And is we start to adopt this could this be like a hop skip and jump to that Venus Project Utopian dream where no one is sheckled to the price of everything with out the value of anything? Bitcoins is this an option? This little article dares to ask the question.

This is the latest show at Groundswell and it makes me happy.  I'm a sucker for anything that uses space proactively.

Speaking of when I get a little nervous and I say why not just move to a mango farm and live quiet and peaceful like the zen monk I always want to be instead of whirrling divaish of Denver I am presented with this: A dome home in Thailand made for 8000 in 6 weeks with a couple guys. Game Over.

Anyone want to start a community Radio Station?

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