Wednesday, April 10, 2013

It's time has come. THE REVOLUTION IS YOU.

Over thousands of years, men, women and children struggle to find an identity, a truth and some sliver of peace and happiness. Often this gets betrayed by shiny prizes, seats of power and potential unrealized. (the quiet desperation sets in); and yet there is always a banner flying some movement some principle that demands more, last weekend was a rally of rogues and dogooders huddled in a hotel thinking strategically and efficiently unfolding a story and while becoming it's very own. NCMR 13   was a haven for ideas and rather than drag you through the shiny moments which I covered in live tweet @crystalzclearly lets talk concepts.

1. Accountability : it is simply to easy to create and to engage than to be idle these tools of communication are hand held and on most phones you can record, photograph, upload, edit, and publish the news the ideas and the life you lead at any moment somewhere between waiting in line, or checking a news feed. Want to get a bit deeper and solve problems rather than just tell some stories get your programmer on and start designing some systems that can get you live in the mix. The most bad ass Lady of get it together was the mistress of the blog - get it. @lisawilliams
automattic  freesoftwarefoundation freespeechtv

PS: It is always heartbreaking when technology supposedly improves and the intimacy to which you have built trust has been eliminated or upgraded or retweeked. RIP reader you will be missed. Also this is content gold thanks internet for easing my pain, in the most awkward way possible.

2. Quality : Much like the 1st Amendment that says we can say whatever we want and the 2nd that says we can fight about it, it is exhaustive to see the smattering of drivel that is out there so yes keep writing and taking pictures but please remember that there is a need to filter your own work, even this here needs a lot more editing but the concept is to be raw, dear readers rehab is not clean and well digested, it has emotional currents and skips on refinements to tackle deep aching substance and the torrent of awkward self-realization that is it's mission. Some inspiring ladies that were all awkwardly brilliant and insufferably young was the Spark crew that has challenged seventeen magazine to show images of actual non-photoshop girls. BRAVO! New, and a personal fav Black Girls Code. Why is it important to have young fresh faces making content? Because they have insight into how to solve the problems without having bleed the disappointments that the X or why generation crushed over.   Content, research, thoughtfulness, does it tell a fresh insightful story, is it the zeitgeist? Masters of the social domain where UpWorthy gave in depth explanation as to how developing interesting content is simply not enough, it has to be spiced and packaged with efficiency and shareability remember folks you gotta ask why it is working and why it is not, viral has an algorithm too.

3. Turning Donors into Activist: A long time ago there were only a very few super rich and only a few causes most of which were faith based organizations, we have a lot more on the table now. Fundraising is a dirty word, it's asking for a check and walking out the door relieved that you got it. Did you bother to find out if this donor was a good match? Did you listen to their ideas? Did you offer a way to participate beyond just money but on their talent? Did you stop short because of your own issues with money? Kathy LeMay CEO of was an amazing speaker and her insights on developing Donors was transformative; Bravo to NCMR13 for bringing in the elephant that is not just exhaustive frustrations on non-exist public funding and bureaucracy. There are plenty of exciting models for developing revenue streams like at Denver Open Media and Inews Promethius Radio Project (just throwing it out there- with my days of a coffeshop radio station cafe gallery event space for a community radio PirateCat Radio esque - Donors/  Patrons anyone?)

4. Media Salon : Connecting with community developing real world spaces and events that engage people, media, artists, whathaveyou to evolve, much like the factory, CBGBS The Algonquin round table, Gertrude Steins apartment, Mama Cass's, Frank and the Sands a movement needs a home and a host or curator Dianna Vreeland to Anonymous,  hell Occupy had Wall Street. This is where culture is crafted and from that the seeds of identity are watered. The shift in consciousness is planned and it usually actualizes through art (multi-medium ). Engage and Challenge your mind to speak. Some favorite moments  Films for Action might be a great way to at least host a screening.  Here in Denver a gem of a donated space activating culture and community is Deer Pile right above city o city in the heart of Capitol Hill the Johnny crew keeps things interesting and cheap and or free to let your creative freak fly and that well is priceless. Tip of the HAT Dtown.

5. Get Involved in the Political Puke: YEAH = I SAID IT! PUKE.  I am constantly exhausted by how many moments don't make sense in America. There is a failure to serve humanity, yet that is not the excuse to endure this meh.... this slow poison of fear and comfort. My friends and enemies, "Get mad as hell" because they assume you don't have the where with all or the attention span to demand a standard that represents the betterment of our societal needs. This is time to be on the right side of history. So suck it up, the revolution is only as good as you are. So ask questions, start causes, read your news and save your local politicians office numbers on you speed dial. Offer 5 hours of your week to go above your obvious, to dream to demand to create, to research, to discover. Do your Job of being marvelously YOU.

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