Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday Mission and MIracles the Magic of attracting

Finding out that life is just an endless series of waves lapping at the sands one stretches further out casting a pattern, after my class I was hungry and wanting something savory for a dreary Mission morning before heading to the Indie Bazaar, I stopped at a bakery that caught my eye and said why not, after all I am an adult it's my time and I have no one to please but myself, let's try something new.  I walk in to the smells of a normal bakery but I discover they also feature pizza, today's special onions Gorgonzola walnuts and a drizzle of balsamic, yes please. One cup of coffee and 2 slices for 6 clams, yeah the problem not enough chairs, I end up sitting on the ledge window outside comfy with some of the best pizza I have ever ever had think of a French Onion Soup in reverse as in all the good stuff with none of the soup which is what we all want anyway. I end up chatting with an amazing lady who also shares my love of the pizza and we talk about my show and her finding what she calls the "sweet spot" which is the perfect blend of creating a job or career for yourself that mixes in all the skills you have been honing in on to hit your sweet spot doing what you love and being truly great at it. Thanks Hillary please come on the show and let's talk about it.

Indie Bazaar
Intention I met several amazing women at the show who were equally in the shape of a sweet spot, all having started up making wares and baubles arts and crafts and it was lovely. How do you afford to wear all those hats as a creative and a sales women, most women like to have a little cushion so they have an other job to keep bills at bay and that allows them to keep making their wares out of their inspirations not out of their needs.

Both are of course perfect, whichever you are be who you need to be.

check out some of the bests of the bazaar on the resources page for links to some super cool stuff

next up Dream Work can we also get our dreams to work for us?

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