Sunday, July 28, 2013

Vixens, Vamps, Vivas, and Vikings: the alter ego and celestial intervention

What a time of Make Manifest! While sifting through the remains of my slutosphere I have found that my drenched passions have aired and I am resolved to more engaging prospects, my plate for projects and the long view are reflecting in nearly every shiny surface available. This reflection has led to the contemplation in my roles I have played in my relationships and to myself, who I am to me. My evolution from viking (take what you want and burn the rest) to vamp (intentional mischief) to vixen (unapologetic sultry)to viva (zeitgeist extraordinaire)has been a burning rainbow of acceptance for my awkward sharp place in the world. Letting the playful goofball Betty rest in ageless sleep in a tower far from loving eyes. As most women easily navigate the demands of Betty, I relentlessly cultivate my veronica against my squeaky desires to embrace simplicity. I am amazed as I examine the open exchange of Betty's clamoring to be liked and accepted; I cringe as I overhear her batting eyelashes and exposed feelings. And yet I leak with hope that I to will have it all: love, respect, security. The embattled women over the ages as she finds any societal acceptance in her pursuit of happiness has been a footnote to history. This year in post Mayan Apocalypse though the wheels keep turning the direction seems to be changing and women most certainly must find their inner alter ego to offset the carbon footprint of their induced roles as sister, mother, wife, and explore her identity outside of the "relationship" but as an activist, a poet, an inventor, a philosopher, the shackles of the pursuit of beauty as the price of happiness is an illusion. This article sparked my imagination on the power of the term "witch". The tide of women's issues and the glowing possibility of a madam president is inspiring during this time of squeeze, but this pressure is a last ditch effort and will be the motivation for change. I watched the Pussy Riot film at the fundraiser for Titwrench festival Once again it is as masked avengers are we free to speak the truth, I wonder that if it were males would this have been the international scandal.... But it was women and they were exploring using sexuality as empowerment, anger as message, and anonymity as tool. A must see to prepare for what is to come on the ideological battlefield as the old man dies and we burn his throne. (Be nervous future King George the last one was not so popular). So part of the extremes of Vamps and Vixens is their sexual comfort, Mae West was smart, funny, beautiful and was not shy about her taste in men, and lifestyle she wrote and produced and starred and was the top earner in her day and she was relegated to caricature, why? What is the demand for a good girl? What is the makeup of a good girl anyway, by what standards have set or scale to? Is this what feeds rape culture?????? Is it fair that robin thicke and his band of merry married men can write a song about blurred lines that might be playful with his wife but when played at a club has a different context. The male fantasy is well established as healthy and wildly popular from the 100,000,000 views on you tube, but objectifying men is an awkward place where cougars go to fade into cat ladies. Nonetheless for your consideration:

 In other news on the insight and fixing of women's sexuality exhibit b :

 Perhaps it is this celestial fancy occurrence that is kicking up the dust:
for more click here This Is The Big One We've All Been Waiting For : The Grand Sextile Planetary Aspects and Tzolkin Correspondences for the Cosmic Moon 2013 Aloha Planetary Kin: this is your Cosmic skywatcher, Randy Bruner, Blue Cosmic Hand, coming to you from 19.5° on the Big Island of Hawaii. These are epic times in which we are living and this Cosmic Moon is no exception to that. The Maya were avid skywatchers. To them the axiom “As above, so below.” was how they lived their lives. They watched the dynamic of the planets moving across the sky and lived their life accordingly. As I write this we are in the central column of the Tzolkin in the Mirror Wavespell. It is the Summer Solstice day, Yellow Spectral Star, " I dissolve in order to beautify." I'm finding seemingly endless order of correspondences of the planetary aspects and the Tzolkin. I will attempt to condense them for transmission to you. This Cosmic Moon, the last of the 7 Mystic Moons, contains an awesome set of planetary movements and aspects, which correlate very closely to the Dreamspell version of the Tzolkin. The outer planets move very slowly and are already in position as the inner planets move into aspects with them. Just after Galactic Synchronization, on the 4th day of the Magnetic Moon, July 29, 2013, the planets will form an almost exact Grand Sextile. The Grand Sextile also includes two Grand Trines. These are all very positive and harmonious aspects completely surrounding the planet in a Sacred Geometric configuration. This is an awesome alignment of the planets in the solar system emcompassing the Earth in the geometry of a Stargate.

So I guess what I am saying is that the reboot is upon us, and I think it is gonna be amazing if we only show up for it  no (alter ego mask necessary). 

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