Thursday, July 11, 2013

Poetry! Prohibition! and Pleasing (the pulse of July)

Maybe it is the unrelenting heat that makes you relish each tiny pause of shade, each sip of cool, each tease of touch, but I must admit that at a personal level I have found an even Kiel of my deep indulgences in late night shenanigans. I've taken up whiskey again, mixed with pineapple and cider, you have a comet of swoon for all things lovely. So as I embrace a samba of summer a handful of lovely lovers and a hurricane of booze and words, I am reminded of the guiding force of poetry.
Finding the time to dwell on word paintings seems like a luxury that would naturally come from all the automated conveniences of life; after all that was the plan right?  We will all have time to read and write poetry about our deepest passions and pains, if we make washing machines and microwaves and computers to do our mundane drudgery? The 21st century has not been kind to the prospect of poetry, however I guess you could argue that multi media allows for density, but I have been reminded that there is no substitute for quiet ponderings.
The extraordinary occurrence of conversation with a stranger wearing an anatomical heart t shirt dusted the shelves in my brain for abstracts and meanings folded into phrases, A POET! admittedly so and not a teenage boy with Robert Smith hair no less! We flickered over the ages and reasons and I am still riveted by "the way we access art hasn't evolved" we exchanged opportunities to experience the other's work and so this week I cracked into a slender volume of "pohems" Strange Dialect, by Tim Galligan. With in the one stanza of WIT I stopped and exhaled as the entire idea and it's precise incisions released a capsule of tension and I inhaled the rest of his work, evading the sentiment of love but xraying it, noticing each chip in bone. Thanks Tim for giving me a microscope to view the whispers. Perhaps I am glad that there is nothing interesting on TV, save my beloved True Blood, but it has been pulling teeth to find the interest to watch a feature, and for what ever reason I chose Prohibition the Ken Burns doc and reeled with intensity at the empathy I felt towards the prohibition movement which I'm sure you can imagine has always been a foggy foe. I had never taken into account exactly how miserable it must have been to have a drunk husband spend an entire pay check on a Saturday night and have nothing for your children and to be beaten within an inch of your life and have no recourse but the resolve that it might not be a long life or that you might be single in heaven. A dark matter turd
thudded into my chest as I felt the weight of the hopeless stirrings of exhaustive struggle in a lawless senseless land. The realization was that it has always been bullshit, and we have always been 2nd class citizen's governed by fathers and husbands to shut up smile and keep birthin' babies. Women have demanded choice and have been fought with every tooth, nail, and any means necessary to keep their rib broken. But each generation demands more and Texas will go blue over it. We needed prohibition when women couldn't leave, but now we can leave and we can over come and we will and everyone knows it and that's what you have been afraid of all along. The rampant corruption of 2500 years will be reckoned and their might be a hatchet involved.
 While on the subject I would like to be proactive and say that I am in a slut phase, that's right I have started indulging in my desires, it seems that as a single woman in her 30s that got out of an intense 5 years with a man, and then went on to readjust after 2 years in a quiet lonely place I hear and repond to my body again and I make no apologies, for my modified search for some sacred relationship, I am no longer on the mountain top, but a woman with no baggage and no regrets and so before the slut shaming that might come from the outer lands to make me feel small just take a little peak at how silly slut shaming is from the other side. Thanks Jon Hamm for having a nice bulge, it would seem very frustrating that everyone is sexualizing you instead of seeing you for who you are and your talents. On the other side of the coin you have this :

On a lighter note I have been swimming in a recovery vat of pleasure that can only be expressed with this song, I recommend heavy rotation for full effect. Also singin': singin' in the rain in the rain can and will make you a better person , just sayin'.
PS Cultural Crusade: Fine environmental crusading Gasland 2
GASLAND 2 HBO trailer from JFOX on Vimeo.
and the East are both important moments in the tyranny of insanity and the poison of compromising for the profit. And I swear I will get to see How to make money selling Drugs. Also Hooray Oregon! You have joined the higher education of empathy: 

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