Sunday, June 9, 2013

Unfolding DaVinci discovering your Dandylion, It's Champagne Wishes and BusbyBerkley Dreams. A Tribute to Innovation.

In spite of "The America" going crazy, it has been a rich and lush weekend filed with blossoms of beauty and creative spark. Somewhere regaining my vision has opened my field of wonder again as I gear up for a fever of fun.
So DaVinci has been on my radar, when feeling rather slumpy amid the news of a crumbling America and in the middle of a wintery April I found the only thing that held my interest was a new show called DaVinci's Demons. It was steamy and soapy and super entertaining but mostly it brought about the "engineering a dream" question to me. How do you find the diligence and cunning to find the grease, to make the journey, to get to B. Convincing others that your Vision is perfect for the here and now is heavy in my heart, but I type it out and still keep my dedication to work and know that luck will eventually win (luck being the culmination of being where you need to be because you earned it doing what you want to do because you love it.) As my Sunday Funday playdate downtown and I unfolded from brunch to shopping and I was honest and said would you mind if we stopped at ..... well we passed the Da Vinci exhibit which I had bought 2-4-1 tickets to last year and had always wanted to go, it was the final day and the final tour was starting = had to.
 So This is my post from earlier but it was inspiration and it felt sad sitting on the digital shelf, and so I will revisit my fascination with dandelion, the sunny under appreciated in the americas "weed", which is destroyed every year with millions of dollars worth of pesticides; odd considering it was thought to be so precious that it was brought here by the northern Europeons because of all it's prized medicinal value, the bitternessis cleansing of the blood and the kidneys. Anyway the point is that something so determined and resiliant is probally a friend rather than an enemy just like that other weed that has so many uses.

And then there is this magic delight:

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