Monday, June 24, 2013

Comando and the illusion of Protection

It is a very brief moment for connection, that vital contract of understanding that boasts words and ideas and balloons under the ego of RIGHT. Tonight I have tousled with a soldier regarding beliefs about war and music (it's all crap because of over production, or so I was told) I was given a pass( as I was a useful mind and it needed protection) once again there was presented an "enemy", an evil out to do me wrong (maybe), I argued that I fear not death and I would not be swayed by the desire of safety, by boots or guns or anything that did not involve engaging a stranger in their values. Tonight I recommit to my needs. Finding my voice, though I know that my slender pursuits of drinking and raucous behaviour at clubs and bars and late night trysts with those that do not compel love but mutual affection for simplicity and physical comfort, well I am not ashamed! I am human and though striving for a singular greatness under a stream of evolutionary glamor of art and beauty, even though it is the poison milk of so many before me, my drunken sad clowns tapping the words out, a Morris code for affection. These words are my talent and not my skill but I humbly submit that my eagerness to compress truisms into my chatter in late nights, on bus rides, in the pauses of life is not enough to find peace or reference to my own clarity. I admit that I need you audience, for my clarity is only based on reflections, and I need the night to swim my understanding in. I have a home, a job, a friend with benefits, I am an adult and drink my orange juice form the carton with out regret! This is my solitary chant, but I soften to the chance to awaken a mind to a larger moment in time where meaning is possible, when design is function and you are crafted as whole. Dear reader I am on as quest for skills to reflect my talent and this blunder of jabbering is an offering to the muses that I am not lost to the safe world of speech and affectionate exchanges that I can not trace, but to whimsy of a freedom to express beyond a tailored outcome for individual extraordinary. I offer my bosom to be motor boated by all. I am not these words for you but with you. I am not safe, I am thriving by grace and a desperate melancholy overcome. My people, demand your skill! Demand your relevance! There is no safety in guns, in relationships, in jobs, in dreams, But there is an unfolding illumination to which I will read these words again. Thank You night, Thank you rogue thinkers, thank you orgasms that shattered my identity for that brief glimpse to compassions beyond my obvious. Thank you super moon.

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