Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Jesus Years

So as I was so sweetly reminded that I am turning 33 this year, well like in a week. I have spent the last couple weeks being more heightened to the ever more hysterical war on women. It is mostly comical to see almost exclusively middle aged white men making as many heated demands for the protection of the unborn and so little fuss over punishing the cruel actions of rapists. It kinda caught my eye how many gang rapes were actually happening not just here but abroad I found this to be an amazing article about addressing the systemic issue of instead of teaching women how to avoid being raped but teach men to not rape! , all the while Rand Paul puts out a legislation piece that nationally bans all abortion, and all birth control, I am still waiting for him to make mandatory male birth control a part of this legislation where the government forces all men over the age of 13 to get the procedure and that you have to apply to have it reversed if you have gotten married and proved you are willing to be a capable father. Anyway it just seems so very how the eff dare they? This is a country of religious freedom and yet we keep getting tackled by sanctimonious Christian.catho.crazies all the while avoiding the message of Jesus which would surely be Universal health Care excellent,  free education, caring for the earth, the elderly, the sick, the poor, loving women more than zygotes or respecting them enough to not rape them and then piss on them and then show pictures to their friends. Pretty Sure Jesus would like universal back ground checks, and would think that 10 round magazines were plenty to hunt with, and would probably vote in favor of an assault weapons ban. Note I started a petition asking for congress members that are against obamacare and a public option themselves opt out of the free government health care that they get for themselves and their families won't you sign it?
While I'm at it the ex - president is not to big to fail ACCOUNTABILITY is possible if you want it.

So yeah I'm turning 33 soon and I just passed on a good paying job that I would have hated because it was listening to financial calls and hearing executives contrive to squeeze more profits from people was simply beyond my caring capacity for B.S. on the bright side this is my Jesus Year where I must live the life I believe in no matter the sacrifice so- spirit above Universe unfold may the automagically do it's thing i invoke the power of love of life to come in and give me the fever of ability. The will and the way to be my inner Jesus to keep my dignity, my grace, my purpose and my joy as I unfold as a source. Ever the optimist I can only end on this note:
there is plenty of hope:

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