Sunday, March 3, 2013

Biztwerk: I don't make mistakes, I make choices.

How little time we make for pleasure that is derived from authenticity, intimacy, compassion. We reserve no patience for our demanded entertainment by all means necessary there must be NEWS! How we have banked on the idea of capital, what does our money, our jobs, our stuff give to us. What is the value of life, if  it is seemingly so easy to shatter. My ongoing conversation of the possibility of a "master plan" devised from inside the asylum of city nights and methodical days grows reliable and consoling in the face of broad sweeping collapses of government and authority. What inspires these so called leaders to clearly drive the train into the ground? To cover up the abuse of children, to hesitate on protecting women from violence and harm, to slash the budget indiscriminately of basic needs as a power play, to threaten legal action against your own towns if they vote for protection of environment from invasive mineral extraction. To what end is this? I make no bones about it, it has broken my heart to be so silent in these intense climactic times to be forced to mend my body, and my spirit and yet out of the ash I rise again with my pink hair and warm to a spring where I have carved a trace of plan to relieve me of my worries of dependence, I am squarely looking my life in the eye and doing my best to air out the attic of ghosts in my head, I re-collect myself as a commitment to the solutions I know are achievable not just in my lifetime but in my fucking 30s so say us Country let the wheels come off and there will still be life! Next month I will be attending 2013 National Conference for Media Reform, the truth is I can't quit you. I still believe that the media is the message and I still want to find the truth between love and purpose and production and thriving as a culture of beauty as I believe that we fundamentally dare to dream to be. I was reminded this last month that my two cent philosophical waxing at bars and art loops and in lines and bathrooms and on buses maybe helps, and even this (blog) helps, me more probably; but by Universe it reminds me of the voice and the reason that I must find to justify the sipping of air I do. For I am wow and so are you! 
Current rotation of inspirations is the Journals of Dan Eldon a heart crunching saga of a young and amazing photojournalist stoned to death by the people he was trying to help tell their story. His vivacious, passionate and beautiful intimate journals inspired my own work profoundly and I encourage his work to be seen and honored through sinking to sole of your soul and extend the comfort zone to give just a little more courage to your everyday. 
Also in light that it is SPRING and the Catholic church is clearly crumbling, it is time to get over the sexual awkward and guilt and get into the joy of healthy sexual clarity. I am reading the joy of sexus which gives a portrait of sexual behaviour in ancient times, before we felt shame it turns out we were kinky then, and if we were kinky then and we are still kinky then maybe our indicators should grade on curve, translation: we are all normal. we want love we are designed to enjoy sex as it is not our mating habits to eat the males head after sex, we should be a lot happier our sex is really quite tame.

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