Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Helping Hand

What a marvelous week of revelation, and by that I mean a humbling insertion of my needs and values and the exercise of noble ideas and nobilish actions. Hooray for Spring Break the much needed breath catching that sweeps the country for the celebration of spring, sexuality, freshness, and completion and the open adventure that awaits in summer. Though I am pleased to report I handled my much needed mundane tasks I did adventure out to work on larger ideas and though I am dissapointed that no great american novel has emerged with my luxurious amount of time, because it was of course spent worrying about jobs and finances and maintaining my well being. The notion of Helping Hand that I present is the collective of universal desires and needs. Certainly this week the litmus test of equality was pissed on as a country we asked ourselves do we really believe in civil equality in the face of "moral fabric" ? "sanctity"?  It seems that this country is philisophically opposed to the idea of a helping hand, at least in practice anyway. There is a massive statue that sits in a "New" York that openly calls out to the minorities that these shores are open and safe to become and thrive as individuals that no matter your origin, your status you are equal here. In fact lets get the exact verbage
 The New Colossus 
 Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame, With conquering limbs astride from land to land; Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame. "Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

 Hmmmmmm sounds awesome right? Keep your fancy shit we got other priorities. Anyway back to my sermon, so their are two marriages that happen one is the religious ceremony that is a party and that most girls see as their princess moment a gathering of family and the exchange of vows. This is the one that has sanctity, moral implications and is the one that is referred to when "feminists" or men wanting to avoid the other marriage say that this is a piece of paper and that it does not prove how much our love is. The other marriage is a binding contract where it is exactly a piece of paper that does entitle, and obligate the 2 parties fiscal responsibillity to each other. It is declaring trust and putting your money where your mouth is. Note this is where you go from being a princess to being a wife something that is not mentioned in the happily ever after that most girls are treated to; not to mention the prince charming notion, where this man now has to become a husband. This marriage IS the piece of paper that says yes I do love you and that means 1100 benefits and rights that ensure security. Ladies and Gentleman can we please admitt that security is the base line to which we all find our rhythem? The Helping Hand is an expansive idea whether or not it is your GOD giving blessing and guidance through emotional storms, the government offering protection and enrichment with social services like roads, schools, health care, housing, jobs, food, and regulations and justice to all that are being targeted or abused. In a relationship a partner is the helping hand, that will comfort your body, witness your stuggles, celebrate your success, and share your burdens and with any mindfullness will help to construct your visions and realities of joy. So today I witness my own search for the importance of the helping hand, the lover, the boss, the teacher, friend, the counsel and the collective as we strive towards embracing help the only way to ensure that we are not helpless.
 Things that rung my bell this week: Thank You Senator for presenting the real implications of fairness. And may that spill into opening up the chance for family for those children who have been abandoned by "traditional relationships"

 Kudos to this story which I found amazing: Hip Hop community reaching out because cash is cheap but networking is priceless. The old give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime. BRAVO.
Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
On netflix this week the highlight was Paris was a Woman. An amazing jaunt through that golden age that was featured in midnight in Paris the glorious Woody Allen film. But this is a much more rich and lush picture of a literary movement and cultural awakening of women that was simply thrilling to watch.

On the more traditional side is my favorite uber marriage of the arts and design as living the full documentary of Charles and Rae Eames on PBS is here.

I went to Feminist and CO at the MOCAD and engaged in the idea of why feminism thrives in the blogoshpere. Some of the ladies that were featured Historiann, violetagainstwomen,  Rue Johnson hip hop writer for westword and the Denver Post, and  My personal take is that women need a safe space to process and the amount of time she spends either shopping online or doing the job or what have you, the knitting circle is no longer realistic and in all her roles she has the one chance to self create a role or a connection to the side of herself she has not made time for in previous cultures that did not have both the allure of appreciation or the relief of ananimity with quite the same instant gratification that internet allows. I am easily a victim of this myself as this project has evolved past being a companion piece to my personal reflection on the times and my own surgical currents as I piece myself together to find my own code. Next week Boobs. For good measure here is a great article about the women of Bauhaus.

 Also There is this - my morning status update but I feel worthy of bloging: On an impromptu date night I went to see the host the best worst movie I've seen in a while. Enduring the paper mâché dialogue and the once again awkward love triangle and inexplicably irresistible beloved protagonists that is ms Meyers signature. I still found an actually compelling story that engages a sliver of philosophical reflection. If the only way we are to achieve a utopian state is by surrendering to an alien light being that has been around for a thousand or so years, and has resolved the ego of violence and possessions only to have some sort of human resistance, my question is what would "heaven" look like if not some version of this trusting harmonious world? An interesting exercise in endurance. Anywho as we battle over the meaning of equality and liberty and pursuit of happiness and occasionally the responsibility to ourselves and certainly each other to manifest these "rights" in the framework of nationalism, perhaps we can take a moment to reflect if indeed we were worthy of the will to choose, anyway I give pause to the idea of  a slave:  unhappy forced worker (wage slave nowadays), a seva:  meaning in service by choice, and the example in nature of the bee, the most efficient and essential, certainly productive culture in the animal kingdom (of course we are killing them off mystery my foot). I wonder how many rotations it will take to truly understand what oneness might mean. And a little help from my favorite muse Oscar.

PSS In health news Booooooooo! Obama pulled another massive atrocity in protecting Monsanto over the millions of Americans that is crushes anually way to disappoint and undermine.... good luck getting any rest with Mobama sayin WTF? same page buddy.

and Cancer no more ! 

Happy Ishtar! or Easter  whatevs -

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Jesus Years

So as I was so sweetly reminded that I am turning 33 this year, well like in a week. I have spent the last couple weeks being more heightened to the ever more hysterical war on women. It is mostly comical to see almost exclusively middle aged white men making as many heated demands for the protection of the unborn and so little fuss over punishing the cruel actions of rapists. It kinda caught my eye how many gang rapes were actually happening not just here but abroad I found this to be an amazing article about addressing the systemic issue of instead of teaching women how to avoid being raped but teach men to not rape! , all the while Rand Paul puts out a legislation piece that nationally bans all abortion, and all birth control, I am still waiting for him to make mandatory male birth control a part of this legislation where the government forces all men over the age of 13 to get the procedure and that you have to apply to have it reversed if you have gotten married and proved you are willing to be a capable father. Anyway it just seems so very how the eff dare they? This is a country of religious freedom and yet we keep getting tackled by sanctimonious Christian.catho.crazies all the while avoiding the message of Jesus which would surely be Universal health Care excellent,  free education, caring for the earth, the elderly, the sick, the poor, loving women more than zygotes or respecting them enough to not rape them and then piss on them and then show pictures to their friends. Pretty Sure Jesus would like universal back ground checks, and would think that 10 round magazines were plenty to hunt with, and would probably vote in favor of an assault weapons ban. Note I started a petition asking for congress members that are against obamacare and a public option themselves opt out of the free government health care that they get for themselves and their families won't you sign it?
While I'm at it the ex - president is not to big to fail ACCOUNTABILITY is possible if you want it.

So yeah I'm turning 33 soon and I just passed on a good paying job that I would have hated because it was listening to financial calls and hearing executives contrive to squeeze more profits from people was simply beyond my caring capacity for B.S. on the bright side this is my Jesus Year where I must live the life I believe in no matter the sacrifice so- spirit above Universe unfold may the automagically do it's thing i invoke the power of love of life to come in and give me the fever of ability. The will and the way to be my inner Jesus to keep my dignity, my grace, my purpose and my joy as I unfold as a source. Ever the optimist I can only end on this note:
there is plenty of hope:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Biztwerk: I don't make mistakes, I make choices.

How little time we make for pleasure that is derived from authenticity, intimacy, compassion. We reserve no patience for our demanded entertainment by all means necessary there must be NEWS! How we have banked on the idea of capital, what does our money, our jobs, our stuff give to us. What is the value of life, if  it is seemingly so easy to shatter. My ongoing conversation of the possibility of a "master plan" devised from inside the asylum of city nights and methodical days grows reliable and consoling in the face of broad sweeping collapses of government and authority. What inspires these so called leaders to clearly drive the train into the ground? To cover up the abuse of children, to hesitate on protecting women from violence and harm, to slash the budget indiscriminately of basic needs as a power play, to threaten legal action against your own towns if they vote for protection of environment from invasive mineral extraction. To what end is this? I make no bones about it, it has broken my heart to be so silent in these intense climactic times to be forced to mend my body, and my spirit and yet out of the ash I rise again with my pink hair and warm to a spring where I have carved a trace of plan to relieve me of my worries of dependence, I am squarely looking my life in the eye and doing my best to air out the attic of ghosts in my head, I re-collect myself as a commitment to the solutions I know are achievable not just in my lifetime but in my fucking 30s so say us Country let the wheels come off and there will still be life! Next month I will be attending 2013 National Conference for Media Reform, the truth is I can't quit you. I still believe that the media is the message and I still want to find the truth between love and purpose and production and thriving as a culture of beauty as I believe that we fundamentally dare to dream to be. I was reminded this last month that my two cent philosophical waxing at bars and art loops and in lines and bathrooms and on buses maybe helps, and even this (blog) helps, me more probably; but by Universe it reminds me of the voice and the reason that I must find to justify the sipping of air I do. For I am wow and so are you! 
Current rotation of inspirations is the Journals of Dan Eldon a heart crunching saga of a young and amazing photojournalist stoned to death by the people he was trying to help tell their story. His vivacious, passionate and beautiful intimate journals inspired my own work profoundly and I encourage his work to be seen and honored through sinking to sole of your soul and extend the comfort zone to give just a little more courage to your everyday. 
Also in light that it is SPRING and the Catholic church is clearly crumbling, it is time to get over the sexual awkward and guilt and get into the joy of healthy sexual clarity. I am reading the joy of sexus which gives a portrait of sexual behaviour in ancient times, before we felt shame it turns out we were kinky then, and if we were kinky then and we are still kinky then maybe our indicators should grade on curve, translation: we are all normal. we want love we are designed to enjoy sex as it is not our mating habits to eat the males head after sex, we should be a lot happier our sex is really quite tame.