Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fresh Ink, The art of Snowflake and the fragility of a handshake deal - Is this the time of your life?

AT some point you wonder when is the time of your life and consider the possibility that is now and that it might just keep getting better if only you stop worrying about it. Occasionally I slip into lucid daydreams where everything I want is instantly available to me, and I am reminded of how much it feels great to be loved by the most important opinion I need approval of and that would be my own. I have been snowballing my blessings recently with an infusion of wealth of options and some cash to back it up which makes me dream where is it I want to go when I can choose where I want to be. Not everyone feels their snowflakeness like me everyday and the usual ups and downs that go with that but as I get into this rhythm of gratitude I know that I love my life and who I am and only occasionally are reminded of the pangs of my smartypantsness when hit with the meeting of like minds that keep up a good jogging pace of ideas and emotional content, only to be slapped with a friendly handshake and a quick exit stage left. I often forget my own fragile nature as I see the incredible alternative of game changing slip into the shadows of the night only to see it is status quot and things are still logical for others. Perhaps we should Blair the Amelie soundtrack on the streets, and POst billboards of incredible feats of awesome romance and creative explosions in a world that just wants to be played in.I honor the suffering of billions but I will not suffer for the sake of suffering on the terms of the oppressors but I will spend each moment in a state of Rebellion as a spark of light and act Love.

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