Monday, March 26, 2012

Time keeps on tickin tickin into the Future

Spring! new ideas, new horizons, new hopes and dreams. In 2012 there is a light and a sense of time as in NOW NOW NOW let's get r done.

SO yes can we start to make the changes in our own lives to be more activated in our own content. I wrote down things that make me happy, things that I want to happen and how to pray or ask for these things how to be grateful and in control of my attitude to not feel anxious and overwhelmed by all the many short comings of my self and the culture that is disappointing me. I wonder about why The Huger Games has such sway or john carter but ultimately it serves as a warning to not be passive in your life but to be activated and involved in your own outcome. I keep searching for my honesty to be fair but opportunist in saying I want something and really opening my mind to making it happen. Today I was shown 2 options with getting a car and in my assumption, I did not follow through with the kind of magnanimous demand of ownership that allowed me to get the thing I was surprised by as a real solution to my problem. The reality now is that I have what was an obvious band aid- but not a silver bullet. My point dear friends: grab it. I hear people talking of how everything is going to get fixed and wrongs will be righted all I know is that everyday is the chance to untangle this web of crap that has been spun by you and the powers that be it has been a tango of foilospohy. I'm over it. And so I return to the things I love. and the life I lead to care for the things I love to do and person I want to be. Getting older I guess.
New to read on my library list

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