Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Greetings from the Desert!

Wowsa what a month, a move, TEDxSF, couch surfing, and now finding some recharge in the AZ desert. So in letting go and embracing that my health needed imediate attention I packed up and found my way down here. I think that I'm looking for the badge of courage patch tattoo to earn while down here. The experience of silence is profound and sunset and sunrise meditation is amazing and the raw food. I'm enjoying wearing white, I do loathe this awkward sense of pudgy tourist at a raw spa, but I'm making it work. The big lesson here is that I have to just be myself and werk it out whereever I am because that's the only place to be. Day 3 I could stand a piece of bread and some lentill soup. But overall I'm not missing the usual. And what of my media, mogul intentions with the radio, well they are on hold for the minute I will get all my old show archived in the next couple of days and see what is a good fit for me in the meantime I'm taking a holiday but I will still come here to share my thoughts and process, I guess because some one might need to know how to cross the bridge of insanity to vitality? Sure.

Friday, June 3, 2011

The week that was - bowing out and other inspires for Community

So I had a missed connections with the sustainable road show, I guess they where pre-occupied with Lightning in a bottle? eh..... This week I announced that I aM TAKING A SABATACIAL to Tree if life and so the closing time of SF as being strange someone, I feel like cities and people can sense my release of netwerking here but my heart is very excited to be open to a feeling of caring for my self before I can step up and do all the things I really want and need to do. I had a closing circle with WAM last night and was reminded of how nice it was to create a collective of my own and how important it is to intentionalize your community. So as I prepare for the road myself I honor all the wonderous moments of sharing creative space and time and how much richer that has made me in heart and life and product. I also found that one of my friends from Denver is working on a SF collective and here is an interview with him. Check it out on being a magical faggot.