Sunday, February 27, 2011

Magic 3

Today I catch up on my philosophy which is always a good think. I am reading about the 4 Noble Truths and a whole big cart full of deep mystic stuff but I emerge with this for Cultural Rehab that if we so have been poisoned- Than I suggest our antidote would be 1. Generosity 2. Love 3. Clarity with Compassion.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jon Hopkins - Light Through The Veins (2009)

This was my favorite from Jonas' playlist check out more on my guest page and the links for the screening of Wake Up.

Today at 4 on Cultural Rehab Jonas Elrod from Wake Up the Documentary

March nis a time of creative expression when we shake off the internal cozy of coupling and innervisions and expose ourselves to the wonders of spring so March we are celebrating Indie media. Join us today as we speak with Jonas who has a new film that will be screening at our very favorite Sera Phi next week. So wake the Eff Up already and get your spring on!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Action painting goes 3d

Me loves some Internet

How briliant is it that for visual thinkers that powerful and amazing lectures are animated. Coming off such popular shorts as the story of Stuff which if you haven't seen are equally as engaging this feels like a profound new way to get quality content into more minds. This is part of the future of education. Bravo... I feel more enlightened already.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Group Buying for Social Good: 7 Sites Using Daily Deals to Give Back

Group Buying for Social Good: 7 Sites Using Daily Deals to Give Back As a part of my OMG segmant I thought that this was a nice way to not always been on look out for a great steal but to also give a great deal. Corny? too much shut up and do good.

Today on Cultural Rehab Midori gets our chat all sexed up!

Was your V day not exactly what you wanted, well learn to get what you want by asking for it or teasing it out.... The one and only Midori will be joining us on the show and giving us a teaser of what is to come with her Good Vibrations Class she will be teaching next week. 'Aural Sex: Seduction by Voice' So forget your baggage but come with us on a vacation cuz it's sexy time.
Cultural Rehab in studio A on from 4-6
Also check out Midori's playlist in my guest section!

Pineal Gland 101: Pineal Gland Activation

It never hurts to get a little galactic

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our Guest this week for Feb -3 BunnyBunns the Nude Chef!

All I know is that this is one cool chick. BunnyBunns
will be on the show to talk about what she does and why she does it and what will cooking naked do for you. Feb. is off to a hot start tune in on

thursday 4-6


What can I say about how amazed and moved I am to see the struggle for freedom and equality and humanity my thoughts and prayers go to the people who are willing to face danger in order to find justice. This seems like such an important piece of the struggle that we; in all of our cultures must face in order to ensure that this corruption of authority be vanquished. There is no more time for greed or malice.... we have but one home.

That being said get your tickets to Egypt quick cuz they are going to be shutting down the tombs (boooooooooo.)

Documentaries of the week

So in an effort to stabalize the content of the show I will be introducing a film portion to this blogg as I am a huge film buff. I am also taking on the Evolver SF Screenings which will be Wake up coming in March.
So as was mentioned on last weeks show Zeitgeist 3 is now out which I have not seen but will between now and next show. However I did get a chance to see Foodmatters which is on Netflix instant and was really enjoyable and though often watching films about our sorry state of affairs (insert affair here) This was more uplifting about the changes that you can do to just actively fuel your body. Since watching I must say that I am having greater hankerings for raw foods and juices. While I am surely a long way away from going vegan or raw at least I'm excited to stick with fresh.

and Zeitgeist Moving Forward