Friday, July 4, 2014

Influence a Tribute to the Winning Party and Celebrating Independence


OK it has been awhile....... however,  I have still been blistering under my sunny skies of a good job, a cool car, great hair, awesome friends and glittering adventures. So.... hooray! My life does not suck and I have triumphed from under the mountain of sadness caused by getting blown off course by health and car accidents. High Five. This post is about being a winner and being grateful for what this country offers.
      That being said ....... Thanks Google for providing this forum and all the access to images and resources that has truly made cultural rehab possible. Yet I am deeply disappointing that Google has also decided to play moral authority with their power of access. It seems that freedom of speech in this country only goes as far as guns and religion, because they have elected to remove my app Very Spicy Dice from the Google play store, citing that the content was expressly forbidden. Here is the email in it's entirety:  

This is a notification that your application, Very Spicy Dice, with package ID com.crystalclearcommunications.veryspicydice, has been removed from the Google Play Store.
REASON FOR REMOVAL: Violation of the sexually explicit material provision of the Content Policy:
  • Apps that contain or promote pornography are prohibited; this includes sexually-explicit or erotic content, icons, titles, or descriptions.
Please refer to the Sex and Nudity policy help article for more information.
All violations are tracked. Serious or repeated violations of any nature will result in the termination of your developer account, and investigation and possible termination of related Google accounts. If your account is terminated, payments will cease and Google may recover the proceeds of any past sales and/or the cost of any associated fees (such as chargebacks and transaction fees) from you. If your developer account is still in good standing, you may revise and upload a policy compliant version of your application as a new package name. Before uploading any new applications, please review the Developer Distribution Agreement and Content Policy.
The Google Play Team

Well you are the winners Google. You are the most powerful source of information in the known history of mankind and have absolute discretion on exactly what is good or bad for us foolish sinful citizens.  I have no recourse, though you profit from pornography every minute of every day, and my little app has no images and expressly requires you to be 18 and older only; my humble attempt to liberate and entertain couples to become sexually empowered and spontaneous was clearly an affront to the corporate theocracy we are now subjects to in 'Merica. Le sigh.

I am pained at the puritanical and relentless vilification of sexuality, especially in light of how it's cousin Violence seems to be so cherished and pampered. Oddly violence is a constituional right! Sexuality on the other hand,  even though it is the very foundation of existence, and is pleasurable by design has no rights or is discussed (mainly because women had no rights at the time), and even though the1st commandment  is Thou shall not kill,  we find room for justification and celebration of our rights to be violent, and never to be a healthy sexual being.

My friend Monika had a fun tidbit about the confusing love hate relationship with sexuality that 'Merica has :
Can you guess which state consumes the most porn? UTAH!!! What happens when you suppress sexuality? Hmm.

Those states that consume the most porn tend to be more conservative and religious than states with lower levels of consumption, the study  finds. "Some of the people who are most outraged turn out to be consumers of the very things they claimed to be outraged by," Edelman says.

Guess which state tops the list? Utah! "The biggest consumer, Utah, averaged 5.47 adult content subscriptions per 1000 home broadband users."

Here's the bottom-line fun fact you can pull out as this debate heats up: "Eight of the top 10 pornography consuming states gave their electoral votes to John McCain in last year's presidential election – Florida and Hawaii were the exceptions. While six out of the lowest 10 favoured Barack Obama."

My theory is that the GOP has trouble accepting and coping with their natural urges and instincts and feel the need to pass laws to prohibit it. It matches with their authoritarian mindset. They can't trust themselves -- or others -- to make the right moral choices in accordance with their beliefs so they feel the need to legislate against it.

Currently on Google Play the recommended June game is called Boom Beach it features a very large Rambo looking guy with a bazooka screaming on a beach for your consideration :
Blowing up a beach to squash Evil Bosses not really your thing;  take a look at some of these winning titles to entertain you. :
Hmmmmm so Google you think that killing is fine, entertaining and perfectly acceptable. Exploring sexuality is worthy of removal from innocent corruptible minds? Hmmmmmmm if only there were a case study about how well repressing sexuality works to teach males about how entertaining violence is and should be substituted for healthy sexual activity, oh wait there is 
(note I am posting this video because this is proof positive at how debased and deranged sexual repression is. I think that if men and women start addressing their desires independent of the manipulations, guilt, shaming, and the plethora of other societal boundaries that we have created for ourselves that the power struggles might ease the global atrocities of cruelty we have surrendered too. My condolences for the families of the victims of senseless crimes everywhere. Also this video is available via You Tube a product of Google and I was able to view it after getting a warning that the material is offensive, but I am in fact able to view it, cuz you know I'm an adult. )

So is there a connection between repressive sexuality / isolation / and violence being so readily accessible and promoted? A little snipit about assumptions:

  • Mass murderers snap and kill randomly - Mass murderers typically plan their assaults days, weeks, or months in advance. Their motives are most typically revenge, power, loyalty, terror, and profit.
  • Mass shootings are on the rise - According to FBI data, over the past few decades there has been an average of 20 mass shootings a year in the U.S.
  • Violent entertainment, especially video games are causally linked to mass murder - Scientists have not found a causal link between video games and mass murder; violent video gaming may be a symptom and not a cause of the incidents.
  • There are telltale signs that can help us to identify mass murderers before they act - Murderers tend to be male Caucasians with psychological issues, but these characteristics apply to a very large portion of the population.
  • Widening the availability of mental-health services will allow unstable individuals to get the treatment they need and decrease mass murders- Increasing mental health facilities may not reach those on the fringe who would turn to murder as many see the blame residing in others, not themselves.
  • Enhanced background checks will keep dangerous weapons out of the hands of murderers - A recent examination of 93 mass shootings from 2009 through September 2013, conducted by Mayors Against Illegal Guns (2013), found no indication that any of the assailants were prohibited by federal law from possessing firearms because of mental illness.
  • Having armed guards at schools will protect students from active shooters - 28% of public schools already employ armed security personal regularly; there is no way for armed guards to sufficiently protect every single one of their students in an event of a mass shooting.

Note this says that games are the symptom not the cause.  I think it's relative, if the cause is sexual isolation and the therapy is a violent video game than the release would be violent instead of sexual.  But would that be fueling an even crazier rapist sexist coulture? Honestly I believe that when you are not shamed and guilty about your desires they would no longer erupt in ways that are cruel abusive and power driven. Being comfortable in your skin makes for a profound shift in your approach  to experiencing your life.

But this is about winning, so kudos to Facebook for freeing the nipple and letting pictures of breastfeeding mothers show their pictures with friends and family because there is nothing shameful about it (period) .

Let me see what else was a win recently oh yes Hobby Lobby. Forget that it is beyond crazy an IUD would be considered abortive form of birth control; since it allows women to have a non hormonal reliable protection and is recommended for women that are in monogamous relationships and that have already had children. Why does a corporation now have a right to religious beliefs over theor employees right to healthcare? My concern is truly what this does in opening up the connection between right to religion for corporations and the dismissal of individual rights of citizens. Was this not the country of religious freedom and separation of church and state? If so then:

 Yes I am livid, am I effected directly, no. I will never shop hobby lobby, Eden foods, chic fillet, papa johns, jimmy johns, rockstar and many others, as that is my right and I certainly would never work for a company that had a culture I don't agree with. But this discrimination and repressing women in receiving health care, which I might add is exactly how humanity exists... by having healthy women that are prepared to have children in a safe and nurturing environment.  (Isn't that what Jesus would have wanted?)

I am none to pleased at  the other SCOTUS decision this week which has gotten no coverage   Anti Union laws that bite directly at the Democratic Party Campaign Contributions By design perhaps? Get the women mad about once again limiting her choices and that will keep the heat off the real story?????/ To Be Continued......    Anyway: This is everything

 FYI John Oliver is winning! He is required viewing.  OK that is done and my livid levels are stabilizing. One thought and respite in this sea of Bull Shit is that perhaps it will get those moderate single ladies, and women in general out to vote this year and start to participate in the fundamentally rigged system. Ladies our participation is mandatory. I am infinitely grateful that I don't live in a country where stoning, servitude, or acid is a regular recourse for disgruntled men. 

That was heavy so do enjoy some bouncy boobies:

And lets just add this in because helping women feel confident with a catchy beat is always winning.

need a little more how about this : 

ok so now that you are
buttered up here comes the sucker punch:

This is a compelling and vital full film of the tragic and inspiring story of Aaron Swartz and his battle for information freedom and citizen rights , the co creator of creative commons and reddit has a very important story that will force your hand in asking what do you do to live your beliefs. 
