Sunday, December 8, 2013

The December Issue and my 150th post Big Beautiful and Full of WONDER

Within my magical pink castle studio I have been lounging all weekend! My fair weather friend policy kicks in at less than 10 degrees and since it has been coasting around 1degree I have sought out the luxury of "me time". Thankfully I have salmon bites with spicy tomato soup, amazing guac and black mole chicken sandwiches, ripe pears and raspberries and some emergency lobster tail should I be inclined and more tea than any English house could offer. I have been having an indoor picnic! You should try it! I have Hulu and Netflix and a very interesting book on Druid sex magic and Mayan Myths, so Don't cry for me Argentina, and in fact that is the point, while my finances are grim my spirit is sailing. I have 2 weeks left of school I am in love with programming and media and have been finding inspirations amidst the ruins of my romantic notions I have great friends and loving old lovers... so clearly there is something to celebrate. This blog is now 150 posts in so much in the style of a big grand inspirational issue I am taking my cue's from the Empress herself Diana Vreeland which in case you have not been steeped in her magic the Doc is on Netflix instant and is the ultimate dazzling ride through the 20th century. I have been deeply inspired by this article which simply states go get what you want because there is nothing else to do but sit on your rump. SO let's check in with what has come of 2013? Well I think there has been a lot of progress and the burden of quiet desperation seems to fragile to hold out come 2014 and beyond. Greed itself has gotten greedy and in an effort to scrooge every last cent, or shred of common good it has shut down a government and tantrumed itself into a corner that is by omission of even the Pope unChristian/Catholic. Also who does not love the new guy Team Francis! And about the role of media and entertainia in our lives, yes it feels really Hunger Games/Elysium in this bitch but that is a story that is even being told and given to the masses which is an important piece to the beginning of creating work that has beauty and meaning and substance. Mrs Vreeland thought outside the box she gave women roles that were fun and empowering and celebrated all forms of beauty and talent and personality and passion, and as I have often said that is exactly where we need to go thinking of our own adventures and dreaming of solutions to solve our problems and to enjoy the lives we are given because we make them either valuable or expendable. Paul Walker was a handsome b actor he was also a single dad and was a true philanthropist, I had no idea the work that he did for relief to victims of the tsunami and beyond, and Nelson Mandela to whom touched and inspired millions by embodying sacrifice and the relentless pursuit of equality My humble salute to the extraordinary souls that give when they could take, that speak in silence and that hold the light for the long road ahead. So why don't you: troll kickstarter and donate in your friends names? Makeup crazy fortunes and give them to friends at random this holiday party season. That great idea you had for a play... write it! have picnics on your floor. Procrastination is the ultimate demise of greatness and you have no more time savor the wine, watch SOMM, demand GM to make this car:
Or if you are in NYC have some tea and Biscuits to herald the Triumphant return of Downton Abbey And though the goldiebox debacle went viral for using a beastie boys track
This is 4th grade girls teaching kindergarten buddies to code. #HourofCode Add caption
 Also Trans Fat is on the way out !
Add there might be hope for our Bees after all 
Why Don't you make this kind of family tradition
Why Don't you make this kind of family tradition

Dream! It is a magical world and a sexy NutCracker of boys and girls is good for everybody

Because this could be nap time
The point is this is now happening:
SO this should be a result