Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Dizzy Monsters : the inevitable evolution

This post has been haunting me. Like a spider in the corner, the tension in the air but I am adrift to harness my fears and instead claim a rational template to focus a forseable future. I pause in cocoon long enough to realize that this steel trap is not my resting post and that it is time to shatter my silence. Thank You to the mysterious Law of time thirteen moon calendar that appeared on my desk, or me finally having a night off. You see I have been cradled by the universe to shift my life into 3 projects -
programming, rehab, jazz. I have been wary of you internet as you are filled with the mind numbing facts that there is no logic in this place, and there has not been for possibly ever, I wonder why I am surprised that I expect a system to function how do I know of such things? I've been lighting candles with great success, for me personally but to what path do we go?

This government shutdown is such a farce a greed pride fueled epidemic of hysteria I am at a loss to the point of surrender and by that I mean to let them hang themselves my self preservation is no longer triggered - I call their bluff. I am at peace knowing that there is no return for them, that there greed will destroy them and many others and that implosion will be the basis for a redesign that will be in the hands of the youth that has seen the damage isolationism causes. It might get worse, oh well. It will get better at some point. Whatevs. Gravity pulls reality hence we will see some very dizzy monsters soon. I was reminded of this torch of sound. haunting and spot on.

The Catholic Church has only taken 2000 years to find a guy that practices what was preached: priests should marry,
atheiests are cool, gays who is he to judge? no designer duds. Holy Crap suddenly Catholicism has a little light and humanity to it. Team Francis!

My hope is that this will take a little venom out of the collective stew, leaving those that are hate filled to be exposed without the shelter of a GOD that judges. So does this mean the advancement of women finding roles that are not strictly saint or sinner? And men that will embrace that? I discovered this and it was a bit of a revelation on how the coming evolution of men are going to no longer look towards weapons, and gold bathtubs for peace of mind. I had a sad conversation with an artistic seemingly intelligent male but alas he seemed to be suffering from the idea that sex gets boring with the same partner, which is why he is a serial cheater and this spills into every other aspect of his life whether or not he admits it. Could it be that we are slaves to entertainment than to pleasure, sex is about pleasure and will never be satisfied or achieved if stopping short on the intellectual whimsy of a caked on cultureprobe steering tween you and your love. Sex is being! I shrugged, secretly relieved that I had dodged that bullet.
 I keep coming back to this idea of a dizzy monster, something terrible and vulnerable, a dangerous percipitation if ever there was one. But that might birth elegance out of nessecatiy, we have passed the edge of reason and are spinning with  arms out all blood and tears and sick the book of gravity looming over the tense spider.
Keep Pushing past the irrational fears, the tumbling worries, the calamaty of comforts.
When nothing seems to help I look at a stonecutter, hammering at his rock maybe a hundred times without even a crack to show, and the 101 will split it in 2, know that it was not the blow that did it but all the work that had gone before. And now for a little real cultural curiosity: The magnimarvelous Leslie Hall: