Monday, December 10, 2012

Think Stank and the Trillion Dollar Idea

A fresh wave of ideas has crashed in my head, yes I must be employed because my mind has now freed up space where it was lamenting a dim future of poverty, I am now open to spending my newly revamped spare time as precious and since it now has value..... I'm inspired by Ezra Klein who last week filled in for Rachel Maddow and teased out a plausible if not theatrical solution to or economic albatross. Our country oddly is not in control of the printing of our dollars, they are debt notes not really backed by anything and are created by the federal reserve loaned to the US government for a fee and then distributed. That's right and I'm sure you are asking yourselves well why would we agree to such a whack deal, especially because how could we ever earn enough money to be out of debt since they own all the money? SO that being said most money that is in circulation is just digital anyway. It is conceptual at this point including our debt. So oddly the US does how control over the production of coin and the US mint could issue a special edition platinum coin that they could set the value at. Say 1 Trillion dollars (pinky to mouth) and that would be it deposit it in our account debts paid, and why not make 5 and cancel out student loan debt (I am infuriated that a rapist or murder gets 37,000 a year in care and feeding and I get 34,000 in loans for the entirity of my higher education) Can you imagine what a relief to millions of americans that are pinned to student debts? I say de crimalize victimless crimes and set up higher education grants of 37,000 a year for full time students, with a required year spent abroad and a year doing some kind of Americorps. Put an ipad for every student and require a digital textbook alternative to save on the waste of paper and the abuse and cost of endlessly outdating material. Which will bring about the employ of the most imaginative and vivid living books. Fund high speed rail that floats on magnets and is cheap and effective to get down the coasts and across the country, maybe magnet cars or self driving vehicles that would avoid the accidents caused by careless and intoxicated and distracted drivers, throw in Universal Health care Public college is now funded and free to attend. And build some serious low income housing and since I'm feeling splurgy School lunch goes organic, Dentistry is a part of a national health plan and electric cars are put as a priority, the tax code is simplified to a booklet. Victimless crimes are not jail worthy and Weed is no longer a felony but a taxed and regulated substance and the violence and black market crumbles, along with prostitution so that health care and safety can be addressed and the violence disease and human trafficking can be illuminated and sexuality can come out of the shadows. I'd like to see an education system that provides breakfast, yoga and martial arts. Ban GMOs like every other 1st world country and if the senate can't balance a budget than they get docked pay and a public town hall where they are held accountable for their lack of ethos and a gong show like immediate dismal if they are shown ineffective. And elections at all levels should be no longer than 1 month and have 1 million dollars to run a campaign, if nate silver taught us anything is that most people make up their mind pretty early. Marriage  is associated with religion I think that a civil union should be recognized as a nation between two people, that they have agreed to be life partners with all the benefits of a marriage. If they want to throw a party well that is a private matter between them and their church / temple whatevs and the space they rent.  State shouldn't be in marriage anyway - let's all have civil unions as recognized by country why not. Fair is fair and everyone needs to find love.
OK so we have a better world in 3...2...1.........