Sunday, January 30, 2011

EFT is Effing Fantastic!

As a follow up to the great session I had on air Sonya Sophia invited me to her workshop to experience the 4 hour power session of finding divine love. When asked to explain EFT to a friend who was very skeptical as to why this was a process different from Reiki or why tapping with her was special I found my self not so sure footed in my response but just said that it was helpful to have a guide to teach you the process and that eventually you would be able to do it on your own. Sonya Sophia is simply an amazing spirit that I felt held a very special presence of joy and self respect that is hardly found these days but when she said that we would mostly be tapping for the 4 hours I thought, really? In that 4 hours not only did I have several deep and meaningful truths arise to the surface for me to deal with I felt like I actually dealt with them; mostly in part to Sonya Sophia's expert guidance and ability to say all of the underlying issues that were not voiced. She has created a thoughtful and extraordinary program that expresses one's natural built in justifications that our fearful mind has created and asks you to acknowledge and accept them and there for disempower them. Her insights and open loving embrace of her students and her life is inspiring and impactful and leaves you with a road map to your own personal inner peace. I can not think of a better way to spend a saturday afternoon. She will be joining me again this week to talk more about an upcoming event called the Deep Feast for more information on her and her work click here.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


As part of the new year there has been a new level of actualization and a meeting of the awesome. I met a very lovely teacher guide healer lady and she does a little something called EFT which is Emotional Freedom Technique (yes please ) So Sonya Sophia Illig, will walk us through the process and something called the deep feast..... it's gonna be delicous and speaking of delicous we will be stirring the pot with some emotional freedom anthems can you guess what they are so you have any suggestions?

So we are ramping up our senses for a Valentines to be savored with guests talking art sensuality finding health and healing get ready to get deep. Golden Globe indeed.